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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 21 October 2013 Lecture 21 Chapter 9 Powerpoint Preschoolers 2 5 5 years old rapid growth in vocabulary Cultural difference what words kids learn The role of environmental stimulation Children with professional parents hear more words than children in working The number of complex sentences that children use also varies by educational level of class welfare families parents Exposure to written language Dialogic reading Phonological awareness alphabet and sound Constraints Mistakes and Development vocabulary burst Whole object or shape bias Holistic naming first few hundred nouns objects defined by shapes Mutual exclusivity constraint Only one name for every object Taxonomic constraint Shared names for objects with similar traits Over regulation Fast mapping I comed home and brushed toothes Apply principles form hypotheses learn new words with 1 exposure Autism Spectrum Disorder including various diagnoses e g pervasive development d asperger s d Usually diagnosed after 3 years Difficulty in communications and social interactions show little interest Repetitive motor movement unusual Abnormal reactions to sensory stimulation Possible language delay Lack direct eye contact may lack babble usually lack pointing gestures Not responding to their names may use single words over and over May echolalia repeat what they hear fixed scripts for social responses

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