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Final Exam December 11th Education Race Family Race A group of people who share a set of characteristics not always physical and are said to share a common bloodline Concept of race is largely socially constructed has some biological element but also attached to social characteristics Consider race a social construct that shifts in society o All humans 99 9 genetically identical A social construct changing over time and place Racism Belief that separate races possess different and unequal human traits Not talking about intelligence among all races intelligence is equally distributed Many historical efforts to explain race were biased due to ethnocentrism Race in the Early Modern World Biblical explanation definitions of race into their holy scriptures o Race in the early modern world was often based on biblical religious o European explorers explained the genetic differences by interweaving them o Africans descended from Ham cursed in Genesis 9 when he saw his dad Noah naked passed out in a tent Turned their skin black Scientific racism o Early theories investigating origins explanations and classifications of race o The enlightenment moved the world toward science and the western definition of race adjusted accordingly o Scientific racism describes theories of race from the 18th century o Theories linked racial differences to scientific explanation rather than biblical ones o Theories were often used to explain and often justify differences in social or legal status of different races o Physical features were the most common biological element o Assumptions White Europeans norm Others deviant Phrenology Racial classification based on skull measurements Science of head bumps The shape and bumps on one s head were linked to psychological temperament This is also happened to be linked to race Leading us to racial classification based on skull measurements Scientific Racism Social Darwinism o Survival of the fittest o All races same species o Some races were more evolved better fit to survive or rule others Races have social psychological traits transmitted through bloodlines Eugenics is a pseudoscience that links social and psychological temperament to H H Goddard argued that immigrants were lesser than native born Americans due to their test scores Fertility control can shape traits of the population o Movement to protect land and culture from polluting effects of new immigrants o Gained social support during this period 19th century into early 20th century Eugenics bloodlines Nativism 20th century Anti Semitism bring about some shifts in the common classifications of race Nazi s update eugenics and bring back classification by racial measurement in order to identify Jews In America in the mid 2oth century they focused on hard lined differences between races based on blood The One Drop Rule Belief that one drop of black blood makes a person black Applying this rule kept the white population pure Tied to laws related to miscegenation Miscegenation Multiracial marriage Dated politically charged term Laws against intermarriage overturned by Loving v Virginia 1967 Race Externally imposed Involuntary Physical usually Hierarchical Exclusive Unequal Ethnicity self defined voluntary Cultural Nonhierarchical Fluid and Multiple Not power based Often used interchangeably but are separate things The US has thousands of different ethnic groups Sometimes they are symbolic Symbolic Ethnicity Individualistic in nature without real social cost Relatively loose on how it s made because you choose sort of Racialization formation of a new racial identity in which new ideological boundaries of difference are drawn around a formerly unnoticed group of people Racial boundaries have real world effects Median income chart Men Women Asian White ALL RACES 2 races Pacific Islander Black Native American Latino other Involves invisible advantages enjoyed by whites Assumption white neutral normal Modern white supremacists NAAWP embrace research on white achievements Whites Socially constructed o Depends on historical period but don t acknowledge privilege Minority Majority Group Relations 1 Assimilation o process in which immigrants arrive settle in and mimic local behaviors Eventually the theory says that everyone will blend in completely o Primordialism Ethnic ties are fixed for biological and cultural reasons Biological ticks could become linked to ethnicity o The Melting Pot is a reference to assimilation o AKA when you arrive somewhere and becoming a new culture 2 Pluralism parts in one society 3 Segregation o Kinda like a salad you don t place it in a blender it is what it is with all of its o Pluralism is presence and engaged coexistence of numerous distinct groups No single majority Or there ARE minorities but they are separate but equal o Legal or social practice of separation based on race or ethnicity o Literally spatially separating groups This was the official US policy until the 1960s o Still evident in today s schools housing an prisons o Origin of the ghetto Great Migration of blacks from South to North Neighborhoods exclude blacks Gentrification slums demolished for high value developments former White flight to suburbs slum dwellers move to housing projects 4 Conflict traits o Genocide mass killing of a population based on racial ethnic or religious o Hutu and Tutsi tribes in Rwanda Hotel Rwanda o Prejudice negative thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group o Discrimination harmful or negative acts against people deemed inferior Racism Prejudice vs racism based on race Health and Society Sick role Parsons Rights o Not to perform normal social roles o Not to be held accountable for their condition Obligations o Try to get well if you are sick you are always suppose to be getting better we don t always do this o Seek competent help comply with doctors orders Social Construction of Illness o disease instead of just a personal issue Depression ADD Definitions of health and sickness change by time and place Medicalization Process by which issues become framed as medical ex Alcoholism becoming a Medical vs Religious Frame because of Religious purposes child died due to heart attack Video of conjoined twins where family didn t want any medical testing done Social Determinants Theory with your health Social status position can determine health Because of your social class you may have more hurtles or obstacles to overcome Height o o Determined by genetics and environment Black women born

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LSU SOCL 2001 - Final Exam

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