Exam Two November 5th Groups and Networks Friendster archeology video Simmel o Sociologist interested in sociology of pure numbers o number of people interacting can change how we interact o Dyad group of 2 most intimate form of social life least stable group mutually dependent upon each other o Triad group of 3 or more lose intimacy group becomes more stable When a third person joins possible roles mediator the conflict resolver babies don t make it better tertius gaudens one who profits from disagreement with the others divide et impera one who purposefully breaks up the others Simmel s approach o Small groups Single focus informal equality f2f Church ladies o Party different o Large groups Same as small multifocal everyone s doing something Formal status differentiation Can be single focus or multifocal Ex McDonald s coworkers uniforms Cooley Primary intimate face to face strong influence Secondary impersonal exist as means to end that person you always ask for something Other ways In group out group o Useful in describing groups with power inequality o 2012 election polls were controlled by minority o Who s in and who s out Reference groups o Groups useful for comparison o We compare ourselves to other people all the times o People who we want to be like don t want to be like o The state fair always someone uglier fatter scarier than you o Ex Mean Girls Social network Embeddedness indirect paths Strength of weak ties Organizations A set of ties between individuals Tie set of stories explaining our relationship to each network member Narrative sum of stories within a series of ties Refers to the degree to which ties are reinforced through Always have that one friend who can help you Social networks with a common purpose and a structure Have both culture and structure Ex Church Chick Fil A Deviance Any transgression of socially established norms o Informal deviance minor violations Women who have a size 13 shoe are deviant aka not normal people tripping etc crime Thinking about killing someone o Formal deviance Crime Street crime o Committed in public and often associated with violence gangs and poverty o People try to predict street crime but usually can t White collar crime o Committed by a professional against a corporation o Ex Stealing paper clips from work piracy forgery stealing agency or other business money from the cash register Crime is variation of deviance something that used to be illegal is now not illegal Things change over time Social Control Mechanisms that create normative compliance o Following the rules of group life Informal social sanctions Unspoken rules of social life o We are all simultaneously agents and objects of social order o Foundation of formal social control Formal social sanctions Rules laws expressly set forth by a society Functionalist Theories of Deviance Social cohesion o How people form social bonds relate to each other and get along on a daily basis o Influenced by large events 9 11 civil rights movement Durkheim on social cohesion o Collective conscience Shared assumptions about how the world works Social construction of reality o Mechanical solidarity Based on sameness How does the world work together People who are the same working together o Organic solidarity Based on difference and interdependence People who are different working together Deviance and Social Control Punitive justice mechanical strengthening the collective Rehabilitative justice organic o Making the violator suffer thus defining boundaries and o Examines specific circumstances of deviants attempts to reform them Deviance Question Name a type of deviance that other people seem concerned about but doesn t bother you and explain why Girl in quad who accidently had boob out Crime reduction Deterrence theory more Deviance o Philosophy of criminal justice based on the nation that crime results from a rational calculation of its costs and benefits Remember the I is the impulse I don t need a milkshake but I want one Me is how others see you expectations The real world and expectations meet and sometimes things go wrong video about guy who lost job Symbolic Interactionist Theories Burger job unable to achieve what he wanted Labeling theory we notice how others see or label us our reactions to those labels help form the basis of our self identity o Stigma negative label that changes a person s self concept and social identity having serious consequences like criminal charges Handicap people suffer from this or moral stigmas like being a gossiper that girl is crazy Tribal stigma is a group like the KKK o Primary deviance first act of rule breaking you have to start out being a deviant somehow results in deviant level o Secondary deviance subsequent acts of rule breaking occurring as a result of the deviant label Batman Broken windows theory of deviance social and environmental context and cues impact individual actions Merton s strain theory deviance occurs when all members of society do not have equal ability to achieve socially acceptable goals 1 Conformists accept the goals of society and the means of achieving those goals 2 Rebels don t accept the goals of society or the means so they create their own goals using new means 3 Retreatists don t accept the goals of society or the means 4 Ritualists aren t interested in the goals of society but accept the means 5 Innovators accept the goals of society but look for new ways of achieving those goals Bill Gates Honey Boo Boo Question Are stigmas and labels more effective in societies that have mechanical solidarity or those that have organic solidarity Explain your answer Mechanical sameness organic different Some people are united based of sameness and some people are united based on differences The expectation is for everyone to be the same but everyone has to be different for society to work Stratification groupings systematic inequalities of the system itself between groups of people People do not all start out with the same opportunities As a consequence of social processes relationships Stratification and inequality are included in many areas of sociological research Also known as groupings This is a complex concept that includes hierarchies among hierarchies Views of Inequality changed dramatically over time example once humans were hunters gatherers then move on to growing own food Rousseau 18th century conflict o Private property creates social inequality which leads to social o How does private property create social
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