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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 23 October 2013 Lecture 22 Chapter 10 Powerpoint Emotional Development and Attachment Basic emotions appear to be biologically determined By 12 months old universal emotions happiness sadness fear anxiety anger surprise interest and disgust By 3 years old they can recognize others happiness Understand recognize basic emotions awareness of self conscious emotions Self conscious emotions depending awareness of oneself e g pride guilt and shame Emotion Schemas affect how we experience and show emotions Emotion schemas the ways we think about emotions differ by culture gender personality and other factors learned emotion schemas Social referencing interpret feelings by looking at significant other s reactions observe how others react Cultural differences affect both the display and the interpretation of emotions Early Theories About Attachment Freud and behaviorism are both drive reduction theories Hunger is a drive that is satisfied by food from the mother Behaviorism classical conditioning of the mother neutral stimulus with the food unconditioned stimulus to produce satisfaction learn to become attached to caregiver Freud baby develops a cathexis of the mother because of the food she provides However Harry Harlow s research on monkeys showed otherwise monkeys prefered cloth mother to receive comfort and emotional security rather than the basic food mother The Attachment System Evolutionary and interpersonal protocol Boeby is founder Proximity maintenance relatedness exploration Stages Pre attachment 0 6 weeks Attachment in the making 6 weeks 8 months Clear cut attachment 8 months 2 years Secure base use attachment figure as the base to refill psychological energy and emotional sense of security and Safe heaven when startled retreat back to their attachment figure safe hobber to get protection Goal directed partnership 2 years onward Internal working models Distinct attachment style Categories of Attachment Ainsworth s Boeby Secure Attachment cries when caregiver leaves once caregiver returns stops crying Anxious Avoidant Attachment does not cry when caregiver leaves and returns does not seek out caregiver mothering emotionally unavailable dislikes neediness Anxious Ambivalent Attachment cries when caregiver leaves and returns both seeks and rejects contact with caregiver mothering attentive but not in response to baby s cues or needs Disorganized Disoriented Attachment explores in a disorganized fashion may go to caregiver while looking away shows a dazed expression or fear mothering intrusiveness maltreatment

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