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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 1 November 2013 Lecture 26 Chapter 11 Powerpoint Ethnic Identity the attitudes and feelings toward the ethnic group you belong to beliefs on how your ethnic group is perceived Early childhood indifferent don t care Begin in elementary school 5 or 6 years old Positive Ethnic Identity high self esteem school achievement positive peer and family relationships Negative Ethnic Identity Externalizing behaviors child adolescent acting out on the environment such as aggressive or destructive behavior Internalizing behavior negative behaviors that are directed inward at oneself creating anxiety or depression Asian American young adult women in college have highest depression rate and internalizing behavior problems Phinney s Stages of Ethnic Identity Development Unexamined Ethnic Identity past is just there no reason to worry am American now diffusion Not looking for culture just go with what parents say foreclosure Ethnic Identity Search question around guidance from adults Achieved Ethnic Search accept who they are Change in Identity multidimensional Identity Achievement many different domains e g personal career gender ethnicity religion etc People are likely to change at least some aspects of their identity throughout adult life life stages and significant life events losses Marcia s Identity Statuses Crisis exploration and actions Commitment Identity Diffusion low exploration and low commitment don t know who they are Moratorium high exploration and low commitment searching but not achieved yet Foreclosure low exploration and high commitment go with what parents say Identity Achievement high exploration and high commitment found identity Race is biologically based ethnicity is psychologically and socially based

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