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AMH2010 08 29 2012 The First Americans Beringia The land Bridge Bering sea by Alaska and Russia o Sea level dropped exposing a land bridge o First Americans arrived by following land heards across the land bridge 10 000 9 000 BC Hunters and Gatherers Always on the move after Food sources Berries and Fruit Mainly Meat Horses Camels and woolly mammoths were killed to Extinction in North America Hunters and gatherers First Americans were known as Clovis Hunters because of the Stone arrow heads in Clovis New Mexico Always moving for Hunting and Gathering o Moved away from once they realized agriculture was possible Plains hunters main food source was the buffalo o Always on the move for heards Originally chained buffalo off cliffs to kill them then used spears and stampedes finally moving to bows and arrows Eskimos moved after food sources in Alaska for Seals and whales Agriculture today First developed in Central Mexico in 3 000BC Where Mexico city is Led to Native Americans settling down in villages Takes years to move and for technique to pass from people to people o Didn t reach United states until 400 BC Basic Crops CORN maize Squash Beans New Mexico Arizona and Southern Colorado housed the first to use agriculture Anasazi Word Means Old People what Indians called them Advanced and growing crops Where attacked by others for their crops o Housed their crops after harvest inside their stone cities Started building their cities into the sides of the cliffs Area was very Arid o They channeled water for crops in irrigation ditches o Built roads over 100 miles connecting villages Center of Native American Activity and controlled trade network o Grew food for trade to get buffalo hunters meat Disappear around 1200 AD a severe drought hit the area lasting Jewelry Tools for years Crops failed large cities broke up into small mud villages Become pueblo people in smaller populations Didn t know about soil depletion Part of collapse Cahokia mound builders took over after the collapse of the Anasazi Est in 800 AD built on Mississippi river across from St Louis Started out as small village had a rich flood plain that supported hundreds of acres of crops 1200 AD had population between 20 000 30 000 when Anasazi were collapsing Most of the tribes from st louis to florida were mound builders o buried dead under ground and put mounds on top of them Sun worshipers who build pyramids of dirt allowing them to be closer to the sun 16 acres 100 ft tall When a chief died they believe he needed friend in afterlife Take his closes friends and sacrificed them to be with him in the afterlife Around 50 people Dominated trade in central united states found trade items reaching all over the US in burial mounds Drought hit the area and the people broke apart into smaller cities o 1490 Abandoned right before Christopher Columbus hits the Bahamas Iroquois and Algonquian Tribes within each Shared the same language and cultural values Which allowed them to get along Mostly located in Northern United States Did not like each other Always at war Had their villages fortified to prevent it from attacks Women held political power Chose chiefs and when to go to war Long bark covered houses Algonquians If captured by them they made your death into a game o Tortured and mutilated their enemy o Ate their enemy to absorb your power Iroquois Made up of tribes from all over if someone died in tribe you went and captured someone to replace them very weak English and French were able to make road because Small Pox epidemic hit away from Europe for too long Small Pox very deadly without immunity o Swept through Iroquois and Algonquian then they went to war to gain more and it further reduced them French get excited they may beat someone Ancient American s didn t posses immunity to disease how to use the wheel domesticated animals didn t have diseases from fleas Use of metal weapons were stone arrow heads 4 Million Native Americans living in what is Now US 76 Million in Mexico and United States Aztec Empire Called themselves the Mexica Migrated into Central Mexican because they had to leave their land Small in numbers but fierce warriors 1900 and 1100 AD o Went around to others and asked for tribute or threated to attack and wipe them out o also asked for victims for god of war Tenochtitlan capital now Mexico city o 250 000 population in 1500 one of the largest cities in world at time o Huge Elaborate temples Believed in god of war that kept universe going o Believed god of war loved blood Would sacrifice 20 000 each year Those giving tribute started getting irritated 1519 Spanish arrived o horses Metal swords and gun powder Before Spanish or Europeans arrived Native americans did not have any metal working in North or South America No type of immunity from disease o Syphilis was taken back to Europe from native Americans Europe before 1492 Europe in 1300 It sucked Decades of warfare 1315 1317 climate in Europe changed to cold With lots of rain In the Middle of 100 years war Destroying crops and causing a famine to hit o Caused malnutrition Caused birthrate to drop and infant mortality rate to increase Black Death o Late 1300 with weakened immune systems o Carried in fleas o Originated in Mongolia Fleas on horses came with them and o High fever Blood vessels burst leaving pools of blood as transferred to black spots Bleed to death internally o Able to spread by coughing and sneezing after affected o Killed 50 of victims o 1 3 of all Europeans in 1347 1351 died because of the black o Had to come up with new ways to live after specialists in Allowed them to become more efficient and innovative death specific fields died to survive o Called the Renaissance Rebirth The Renaissance Rebirth The printing press Expansion The travels of Marco Polo Italian merchant who went to china in the late 13 century left europe in 1260 and didn t return until 1295 He and his uncle and father went to buy goods to bring back to china Wrote out a journal of his trip to china o China has spices tea silk that Europe is missing out on 1095 the pope called for a crusade to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims Crusaders take Jerusalem and hold it for 100 years They lose it and never retake the city Eventually are forced out of the holy land o Although they failed it succeeded in introducing new items By the time his book was published in mid 1400 you could no longer go to china by land except for by sea because the holy land was held captive Renewed nations

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