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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 13 September 2013 Lecture 6 Chapter 4 Powerpoint Deep canalization means it is hot wired in our genes degree of heritage Shallow canalization means that environment came into play altered direction Epigenetics barcode that make up body cells Most personality traits are not deeply canalized identical twins can have different personalities but still identical DNA genes Silence the function of a particular set of DNA Highly influenced by environmental factors or lifestyle during critical periods and Changes as one gets older because of environmental experiences Control expression of genes turn on genes or turn off genes but also control degree of Take time for epigenomes to possibly change if not in critical periods Chemicals that can change degree of a gene expression Can affect offspring because of environmental factors that were experiences food throughout life DNA lifestyle Single Gene Disorders Tay Sachs disease Eastern Europe Jewish background protein deteriorates muscle and brain functions Chromosome Disorders Down syndrome one extra chromosome 21 mutation Environment has little to do with disorders

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