UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Final Exam Study Guide

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KIN 100 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide This study guide is on material since the last exam The final is cumulative but is weighted more on recent material Use the past two study guides to refresh on earlier material Good luck Movement classification Match Term with definition Discrete environment is stationary Open cyclical movement repeats Gross performed with small muscle groups Closed outside environment is moving changing Serial definite beginning and end Continuous large series of activities multiple steps Fine larger movements and muscle groups Learning variable Define Speed Accuracy Response magnitude Response latency Response variability Learning Curve Problems These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Give term muscles tire during activity motivation wanes during activity session sometimes improvement doesn t show during session only after does it show Stages of Learning Define and give and example cognitive stage associative stage autonomous stage Practices Match term with definition blocked practice practicing individual components of task whole practice long practice sessions distributed practice learn all of skill a before starting skill b random practice part practice massed practice Information Processing Model situation interpretation action Graphs and Drawings Explain the context of each and what it shows practicing entire task practice activities in random order shorter sessions with rest later gains more slowly score Early rapid gains time linear increase Score Time both groups had vision no vision no vision visi on Golf scor e Pr e tes t Post test 1 post test 2 Long term potentiation LTP synapse output input neuron repeated stimulation changes synapse skin recep tor inter neur ons excita tion flex ors mot inhibi or tion neur extenso ons rs high morbidity low morbidity Define Signal Noise Ratio Difference between external and internal feedback Stretch reflex Triphasic Pattern Bilateral Deficit Vision Define and Differentiate Visual Acuity Visual dominance Depth Perception Field of Vision Figure Ground perception Injuries Treatment and Prevention Define DOMS Concussion Strains Massage Cryotherapy Contrast Temperature Water Immersion Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Warm Up Flexibility Receptors Match the Definition with the term muscle spindles action angle receptors specific receptors fire potentials for specific angles tendon organs Joint receptors vestibular system of entire force receptors skin stretches with changes in position body position can determine orientation body skin receptors rate of change length receptors sense length and of length of muscle Pediatric Kinesiology Answer Why has obesity increased Can children lift weights Aging and Kinesiology What is the difference between functional and chronological age List some of the difference between adults and the elderly ex VO 2 Max How does activity level relate to reaction time and age Why are cognitive challenges important for older adults Integrative Kinesiology How does the Mars Space Mission relate to Kinesiology Explain some of the solutions to the potential problems

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Final Exam Study Guide

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