Kin 100 1st edition Lecture 26 Current Lecture Aging and Kinesiology Health Care issues older people need more health care Economic implications not working not contributing to economy Productivity of aged skills issues not many people are in the blacksmithing trade anymore skills can become lost when individuals retire die Functional age not equal to chronological age functional age what people are capable of doing tests functional age reaction time muscular strength vision etc morbidity of aged functional age chronological age functional age can change more or less rapidly than chronological age These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute high morbidity low morbidity Characteristics of older adults low performance high variability variability increases with age muscle related changes reduced muscular strength not always consistent change over lifetime less muscle mass more slow twitch fibers less fast twitch fibers fewer motor units cardiovascular changes lower maximal heart rate lower max VO2 sensory motor system slower reaction time increased stimuli increase reaction time more so with older people effects of exercise slower reaction time effect of exercise reaction time young active young inactive old active old inactive slower walking speed poorer driving task complexity increase complex tasks for elderly so they can respond better when they need to complete complex tasks balance and falls at least of people age 65 fall each year of these people never walk unaided again testing balance stand on one leg functional reach score nudge test give patient nudge from behind and see if they fall exercise benefits for older adults muscle strength muscular endurance young or old strength time everyone is capable of gaining muscular strength Musculoskeletal bone osteoporosis resistance training decreases risk women are more susceptible estrogen slows bone loss hormone replacement therapy has negative effects for some people role of mechanical force flexibility tissues become stiffer with age sensorimotor cognitive brain function mens sana in corpore sano synaptic maintenance reflexes balance training older pilots terminal age 60 can t be commercial pilot after 60 aging versus disease wear out or rust out maintain and encourage physical activity affective function life satisfaction self image importance of challenges cognitive crosswords physical The elite aging athlete masters competition sports med problems less likely to get good treatment when you re 80 because of course your knee will hurt
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