BY 124 1st Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture Chapter 46 I Asexual vs Sexual reproduction II Whip tail Lizards III Fertilization IV Male Reproductive System V Controlling Male Reproductive System VI Puberty in Males VII Parts of Female Reproductive System VIII Egg is Made IX Estrous Cycles X Menstrual Cycles Outline of Current Lecture Chapter 46 cont I II III IV V VI VII VIII Female Reproductive System Oogenesis Menstrual Cycles Signaling to mother Birth Breasts Why is immune response not triggered from baby Menopause Chapter 47 I II III IV V VI VII Cycles Processes Sperm Frog Development Experiment Figure 47 23 To remember Figure 47 8 Organogenesis Current Lecture These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Chapter 46 cont I II III Female Reproductive System figure 46 10 a Clitoris b Labia minora c Labia majora d Endometrium i basal layer ii endometrial layer Oogenesis figure 46 12 a Know differences between how females produce eggs and males produce sperm Menstrual Cycles a 28 days b Figure 46 13 i 2 parts what goes on in ovaries ovarian cycle and what goes on in uterus uterine cycle 1 Ovarian cycle a Day 0 14 follicular phase i Follicule matures b Day 15 28 luteal phase prepares body to receive fertilized egg i Corpus luteum generates c Menstruation is beginning of cycle Day 0 d Ovulation mid cycle 14 days e Hormones i Hypothalamus triggers anterior pituitary 1 LH 2 FSH f Ovarian Cycle Figure 46 13 i FSH causes follicle to make estrogen make granulosa cells and form follicle ii Positive and negative feedback with gonadotropins iii Estradiol estrogen has a negative effect on FSH iv Right before ovulation you get peak in FSH estrogen estradiol 1 If does not occur at same time then no ovulation v After ovulation estrogen will produce corpus luteum and progesterone 1 Progesterone is pregnancy hormone 2 LH drops vi If not pregnant corpus luteum will go away by itself within 14 days 1 Estrogen and progesterone levels fall vii fraternal twins results from two eggs ovulating at same time viii Progesterone is very inhibitory towards FSH ix Day 5 14 proliferative phase 1 Endometrium grows a Blood vessels and glands grow b Done by estrogen x Day 15 28 secretory phase 1 Sends out secretions from glands a Glycogen in secretions because it supports fertilized egg before it implants into uterus 2 Need progesterone and estrogen to maintain growth of endometrial layer If not pregnant then these hormones plummet and this causes the lysing of cells that allows for the sluffing off of the endometrial layer xi After sluff off negative effect on FSH is removed and then the cycle starts all over again g Animals that get pregnant easily i Induced ovulators 1 Takes egg through first part of ovarian cycle and hold it right before they re going to ovulate before LH peak 2 Barb in cat penis will cut inside of vagina when male pulls out This causes a signal to the hypothalamus in the female to start ovulation while sperm is fresh so that the chance of fertilization is higher h Ovulation Figure 46 15 i Ovulation ii Fertilization occurs in upper third of oviduct iii Cleavage iv Cleavage continues v Implantation implants as blastocyst 1 Inner cell mass in blastocyst becomes embryo The other cells inner cell mass becomes thickening of covering 2 Burrows into uterus and trophoblast cells release into uterine lining and signal to mother that the fertilized egg has implanted a HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin i Excreted in urine basis of pregnancy tests ii Chemically like LH keeps corpus luteum from breaking down keeps the production of estrogen and progesterone i Placenta figure 46 16 i Takes about three months to fully develop ii Takes over role of corpus luteum iii Arteries and veins are reversed iv Chorionic villi contain fetal blood that absorbs nutrients from mother s blood IV V VI VII VIII Signaling to mother that egg is implanted Figure 46 18 a Estradiol mainly from baby not ovaries b Fetus s adrenal cortex signals through placenta to mother to increase production of estradiol c Estradiol from the ovaries activated the oxytocin receptors on the uterus i Oxytocin activates muscle contractions d Oxytocin from fetus and mother s posterior pituitary signals for the stimulation of uterine contraction and also signals the placenta to make prostaglandins which stimulates more contractions of uterus e ALL POSITIVE FEEDBACK Birth a Dilation of cervix i ripening of cervix ii The phrase my water broke means that the membrane amnion and other coverings rupture b Expulsion delivery of infant i Placenta detaches c Delivery of placenta Breasts a Prolactin from anterior pituitary signals for milk production b Milk is not made during pregnancy because progesterone has a very negative effect on prolactin c Colostrum like skim milk i Immunoglobulins 1 IgA ii Lots of proteins d Colostrum changes to similar to whole milk and this is when babies start to put on weight e Oxytocin milk letdown Why is the immune response not triggered with babies a Trophoblast is very important i Tryptophan gets destroyed tryptophan signals Cytotoxic T cells 1 No tryptophan no T cells ii Killer cells are activated and bind to cytotoxic T cells and kill them Menopause a 45 50 years old b Men do not go through menopause i Less testosterone produced but still enough ii Testosterone supplements are antiandrogens sp and cause impotence Chapter 47 VIII Cycles Processes Figure 47 2 IX X XI XII XIII XIV Sperm a Matures in epididymis b Capacitation c How does sperm know where to go i Egg sends out signal to call sperm to it d Cumulus cells e Has enzyme on head that eats through first layer of egg i Reached next layer and uses hydrolytic enzymes to aid in further penetration 1 Reaches egg membrane and attaches to receptors that makes egg accept it 2 IP3 allows for the release of cortical granules done so by Ca ions that clip off other sperm that are attached to egg and also clip off receptors this all prevents polysperming ii Sperm must wait until egg completes meiosis before their mitochondria will merge Frog Development Figure 47 21 a Grey crescent is formed after fertilization i Needed for deuterostome development ii If no grey crescent then they will not form an embryo Experiment Figure 47 23 To remember a Notochord develops into neural tube i Nervous system is first system to be formed b Archenteron forms gut Figure 47 8 study for
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