UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Nervous System and Strength Training

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KIN 100 1st Edition Lecture 23 Continued from 4 10 Triphasic pattern initial burst of agonist activity burst in antagonist muscle second burst of agonist muscle in general larger muscle size correlates with greater muscular strength Nervous system and strength training to increase strength 1 activate more motor units 2 increase motor unit firing rate 3 decrease antagonist activity bilateral control of muscular strength activate similar muscles on both sides of body crossed extension reflex testing muscular strength muscular force left leg only 50 units right leg only 50 units both legs 75 units unilateral on leg bilateral both legs less than sum of both unilateral contractions bilateral deficit disinhibition through training bilateral unilateral sum strength 3 groups of rowers club 5 national class rowers 75 elite rowers 1 greater muscular strength bilateral than unilateral fatigue failure to continue work These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute strength Time contractile failure biochemical changes ATP declines H increases Neural aspects of fatigue motor unit firing rate decreases due to fatigue skin receptors inhibition hypoxia prolonged contraction of muscle cuts off blood flow decrease in O2 level chemical release Descending central drive MEP using TMS before fatigue after fatigue Vision Visual acuity sharpness of vision static no movement eye chart best with object in center of retina high light conditions dynamic DVA discriminate moving object baseball batters training to increase visual acuity accommodation training tracking oculomotor system smooth pursuit movement smooth eye movement saccadic movements more jerky quick eye movements eye head coordination VOR vestibulo ocular reflex semicircular canals vestibular nucleus oculomotor neurons eye improves with practice visual dominance alignment test unilaterals ex right handed and right eyed cross dominant ex right eyed left handed unilaterals better performance depth perception requires binocular vision static vs dynamic field of vision area seen w out moving eyes peripheral vision horizontal and vertical figure ground perception distinguish object from background aided by familiarity view arena before game one possible advantage of playing at home arena

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Nervous System and Strength Training

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