UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Motor Behavior

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KIN 100 1st Edition Lecture 20 Motor Behavior Historical context industrial revolution communication revolution morse code military events How is learning measured Variables Speed respond to stimulus faster goalie blocking ball from goal Accuracy focus on hitting desired target getting ball into goal Speed v accuracy debate which do you spend more time on Response magnitude response latency RT Response variability repetitive motion is produced slightly differently every time Movement classification Closed vs open skills closed environment is stationary no outside inputs distractions golf open environment is moving outside interactions football basketball Discrete vs continuous skills discrete definite beginning and end continuous cyclical bicycling rowing Fine vs gross motor skills fine performed with small muscle groups requires precision sewing piano or violin Gross larger movements and muscle groups These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Serial skills large series of activities multiple steps How do we measure learning By improved performance linear increase Score Time Linear increase rate of learning does not change later gains more slowly score Early rapid gains time usual progression gains happen more quickly in beginning but slow down as time passes lifting gold Learning curve problems fatigue muscles tire during activity makes it hard to measure improvement at end of session reactive inhibition motivation wanes during activity session reminiscence don t see much improvement during one session but see improvement at beginning of next session some learning takes place during rest interval Stages of learning cognitive stage basic stages high error variability ex learning to drive stick shift first getting movements lots of stalling associative stage self recognition of error skill refinement are able to recognize what mistakes you made and how to fix them autonomous stage automatic movements able to shift gears without thinking about it can do other things at same time Practice Schedule blocked practice skill a skill b learn everything about skill a before moving on to skill b random practice practice activities in random order works better at improving rate of learning contextual interference by doing tasks in different orders you need to think more about each motion and not just do the same thing as last time Massed practice long practice sessions distributed practice shorter sessions with rest Whole practice practicing entire task part practice practicing task components How do we process information for movement Information processing model situation data gathering sensation baseball batter looking at pitcher to gather information interpretation CNS evaluation perception deciding whether or not to swing action motor execution Sensation provided by receptors hardware includes vision and audio proprioceptors sensors in muscle tendon joints and vestibular system

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Motor Behavior

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