UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Pain Control

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KIN 100 1st Edition Lecture 19 Video Watched Tartuffe Comme dell Arte Characters Marianne Valere 2 lovers stock characters Dorine Says Well known lovers are quite mad She is the Zanni stock characters Orgon His first wife died Marianne s Father Wants Tartuffe to marry his daughter Wants his daughter to break off her engagement with Valere Says Tartuffe is letting his desires run rapid after Elmire proves Tartuffe is a hypocrite Elmire Orgon s second wife Tartuffe wants to have an affair with her she declines Tries to expose Tartuffe succeeds Apologizes to Orgon for the manner in which she had to persuade Tartuffe in order for Orgon to see he was a hypocrite Tells Tartuffe Voice gives the kind of No which promises everything in order to persuade Tartuffe that when she declined his offer of affair she didn t really mean it Tartuffe Says You asked to meet me in this room To make fun of the French Academy rules of the play which state all action must be performed in one place Says Sinning in silence is no sin at all Tell Elmire that Orgon Is very easy to manipulate These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute During Neoclassicism in France the theatre shifts from being for all classes to being only for the upper class

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Pain Control

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