KIN 100 1st Edition Lecture 18 Exercise and Sports psychology Psychological characteristics of movement Anxiety state characteristic current feeling trait anxiety trait characteristic long term personality trait Measurements marking how strong a feeling soreness is on a line If the mark is 15 through the line than 15 sore paper pencil test with questions that access different traits POMS Profile of Mood States T score test How person or group of people compare to population average Key traits tension depression anger vigor fatigue confusion participants mark how each trait is in their life Feeling None 1 Little 2 Moderate 3 Quite a bit 4 Extremely 5 Friendly Tense Vigorous These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Uses swimming swimmers have a very hard season and then taper at the end Are they over training in season If so it should show on the POMS taken from slide show Control how other sports compare to average iceberg profile Iceberg shape changes during season and resumes almost normal during taper Motivation people will perform better if they are motivated psyching up is there an optimal motivation level Yerkes Dodson Law Inverted U Theory Motivation curve is very different for different people varies with sport swimming motivation is good golf can be distracting Exercise Adherence 10 adults begin exercising each year 50 of those adults quit within 6 months Why do some people stick with it Factors convenience if people are going to start exercising it needs to be convenient and easy to start treadmill desks driving personality social interaction running groups sports teams Exercise Addiction often accompanied by other addiction eating disorders need to exercise at least once a day Pain how people handle pain soldiers in combat stories where they keep fighting even if they get shot How do people limit the sensation of pain in these scenarios Human Analgesic System Brain Periaqueductal Gray Center PGC releases enkephalins and endorphins runner s high exercise induced euphoria causes by endorphins
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