UGC 111 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Early Christianity Outline of Current Lecture II Islam Current Lecture Islam Began in 6th and 7th centuries 2nd largest world religion Mohammad 570 632 Aisha Fatima Founder of Islam Grew up in Mecca Married at 25 Spent most of his life as a merchant Went to a cave in a mountain to meditate 610 when he was 40 he began to have visions where the angel Gabriel spoke to him gave him the word of God and told him that he should pass it on to those around him Spoke to his family about this after 3 years spoke to the people of Mecca response was hostile people didn t like that he was trying to introduce a new religion 622 Mohammad decided to leave Mecca due to this hostility ended up in Medina Medina people took him in founded the first Islamic community Preached in Medina converted tribes in and around it well received Spent much of the rest of his life in fighting because he wanted to go back to Mecca gathered an army took 8 years because he was unsuccessful for a very long time but then conquered Mecca Gave the people of Mecca an ultimatum convert to Islam or leave Mecca Aisha first wife consoled him Consoled by Fatima his cousin who was a Christian Taken to the Faraway Mosque where he saw the levels of heaven Sought to convert other people in surrounding areas Died in 632 buried in his house in Medina These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Koran Left by Mohammad Consists of around 80 000 lines in verse 114 chapters Meant to be recited Gabriel recited the contents of the Koran to Mohammad who recited it to his secretary who wrote it down it is the perfect word of God to Muslims Collected and put together by Aisha about 20 years after his death Acts as the divine guide for behavior for Muslims Teaches the supreme majesty and omniscience of God Deeply moralistic and demands obedience to God The word Islam means surrender surrender to God Condemns stealing hypocrisy murder exploitation etc Describes paradise hell angels Satan judgment day etc Angels are descended from light record human actions place souls into new babies bring rain nourish plants transport the soul to the underworld at death Satan was an angel who disobeyed God will go to hell upon death but is here to try us against temptation Judgment day all people will be judged by God go to heaven or hell Killing of women and children and noncombatants is forbidden Establishes rules for daily life Five Pillars Hadith Second volume of religious writings Oral traditions written down 14 volumes Sayings and actions attributed to Mohammad Not sacred but still respected Some sayings accepted by certain parts of Islam some are not Mecca Medina Hijira Hadj Ka aba Jihad Sunnah Mecca minority group of Jews and Christians Medina where Mohammad founded the first Islamic community Hijira Mohammad s journey from Mecca to Medina Jihad means struggle 4 categories in the Koran Personal self control Speech Actions Military events Hadj pilgrimage to Mecca Ka aba central shrine of Mecca must be visited on the pilgrimage Sunnah central core of beliefs agreed upon body of law Main sect of Islam is suny meaning they follow the Sunnah Five Pillars There is no God but God and Mohammad is his prophet Pray five times a day Men must pray at a Mosque on Fridays Almsgiving should give 2 5 per year to charity Fasting during Ramadan one month out of the year Eating drinking smoking and sex forbidden from sunrise to sunset Exceptions for children if you are traveling sick or pregnant women Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life if you are able to
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