UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Nutrition and Exercise

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KIN 100 1st Edition Lecture 9 Continuation from micro gravity Solutions to functional muscle loss Nutritional pharmacological exercise Artificial gravity human powered centrifuge exercise and gravitational force exercise using only human effort Other alternatives lower body negative pressure counters orthostatic intolerance blood pools in legs get light headed when stand up Anecdotal vs Scientific Data energy source Calorie unit of heat kcal 1000 calories How many calories do we need Basal metabolic rate BMR minimum number of calories for basic survival Energy sources carbohydrate CHO primary source of energy grains fruits veggies Energy 1 g CHO 4 kcal Carbohydrate and exercise important energy source protein sparer nervous system function Glycemic index GI measure of CHO uptake rate 0 100 glucose 100 High GI Candy white bread low GI most fruit milk high GI food insulin release hypoglycemia low blood sugar hunger high GI food Protein amino acids essential from food nonessential made in human body require tissues acid base buffer during exercise Protein needs 1 1 5 g kg body weight Energy 1g 4 kcal Fats Essential nutrient cell membranes micronutrients hormones Types of fatty acids Saturated fats many hydrogens mostly animal fats poly unsaturated fats fewer hydrogens Energy 1 g 9kcal Total calories kcal big mac 34 g fat x 9 kcal g 306 calories 47 g CHO x 4kcal g 188 kcal 24 g protein x 4kcal g 96 kcal Dietary composition one suggestion CHO 60 Fat 25 Protein 15 Nutritional Supplements vitamins water soluble B complex c go through kidney can regulate them fat soluble A D store for long term in fat stores can store too much harmful minerals calcium bone muscle metabolism problems in dance gymnastics if not enough calcium phosphorus bone ATP magnesium BP muscle contraction trace mineral manganese copper etc What do we need Dietary Reference Intake USDA Exercise nutritiom Pre game meal functions prevent hypoglycemia provide fuel minimize stomach acid moderate complex CHO is best Why not simple sugars insulin promotes glucose uptake promotes glucose glycogen promotes fatty acids fat cells possible hypoglycemia inhibits fatty acid release Nutrition during competition simple fluids rapid consumption CHO consumption glucose polymers replace fluid and provide energy fast absorption faster gastric emptying glycogen sparing effect nutrition from other sources to save glycogen for later in exercise electrolyte replacement Potassium K sodium Na chloride Cl only needed in extreme conditions small amounts may be helpful Vegetarians and exercise major problem protein sources beans etc

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Nutrition and Exercise

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