UB UGC 111 - Ancient Israel

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UGC 111 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Egypt II Egyptian social structure III Pharaohs IV Pyramids V Egyptian beliefs of the afterlife Outline of Current Lecture VI Egyptian beliefs of the afterlife cont VII Ancient Israel Current Lecture Egyptian Beliefs of the Afterlife cont Book of the Dead description on how to get to the underworld and what to do when you get there Feather stood for social justice o Used for final judgment a person s soul was weighed against a feather and if it was lighter than the feather they had a good and honorable life Ancient Israel Patriarchal Era 1250 BC Genesis Exodus from Egypt 1250 1050 BC Exodus Numbers Leviticus Deuteronomy Monarchy Period 1050 587 BC Babylonian Exile 587 539 BC Ezekiel Isaiah Amos Return 539 BC 135 AD These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Job Daniel Esther Ecclesiastes Diaspora 135 1948 AD Talmud Patriarchal Era 1250 BC Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph From Ur moved to Haran then to Canaan Joseph was the head pharaoh Joseph died new pharaoh came in o New pharaoh forced people to do labor became slaves Exodus Judges 1250 1050 BC Moses Mt Sinai Joshua Jericho Philistines Canaan If the pharaoh did not let the people free God would send down many plagues The pharaoh would not change his mind so He sent the plagues God sent an Angel of Death to kill the first born of every family God told the Hebrews to sacrifice a lamb and eat it all of the first born people died except the Hebrews o Still a tradition today Passover Moses took the people and left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea Moses parted the Red Sea Pharaoh changed his mind told Moses to put his hand down He listened and put his hand down the Red Sea came back Hebrews went to Mt Sinai and spent a generation with Moses as their leader all the while trying to survive Many miracles took place o Ex The people were thirsty and dying and Moses hit a dry cliff with his staff and water came out he saved the people Ascended to Mt Sinai God gave Moses the 10 Commandments Moses died Joshua succeeded him went to Canaan Joshua destroyed the walls of Jericho and took the town Settled in Canaan not on coast because the Philistines were settled there Philistines became the natural enemies of the Israelites Hebrews Felt under military pressure so they elected a military leader Saul Saul was scared of Goliath Philistine His son David offered to take over and fight Goliath David became the next king of Israel he led the Golden Age of Ancient Israel He organized a central army chose a capital Jerusalem David was on the roof of his house one day and saw a woman in a bath he liked her so he arranged to have her husband a soldier sent to the front line to be killed Nathan prophet rebuked David publicly for this David was succeeded by Solomon his son Solomon built the first temple built stables for his cavalry Allowed Israelites to assimilate borrow culture allowed worship of 2 foreign Gods Baal and Asherah Split Kingdom of Judah and Kingdom of Israel o Both lost their economies forced to pay tribute to Assyrian government thought to be caused by the worship of other gods Fall of the Assyrian empire Babylonian Exile 587 539 BC Conquered Jerusalem and took captives King Cyrus Return 539 135 AD King Herod s temple 40 BC Sanhedrin Annexed into Roman Empire 4 BC Masada 66 73 AD Titus razes Jerusalem 70 AD Emperor Hadrian outlaws worship 135 AD Diaspora 135 1948 Harod built second temple in Jerusalem Israel becomes Judea Jesus rose up against authorities o Roman response was to execute prisoners by means of crucifixion o Unsuccessful siege of Jerusalem Roman troops return to Rome successful Jews went to Masada and built a fortified town in conflict with Roman authorities Romans bust into Masada Jews committed mass suicide to avoid being killed by them Uprisings continued until Hadrian had enough and exiled Jews from Israel no worship was allowed Jews set up their own place to live built synagogues for worship o Needed someone to interpret the laws Rabbi was created Hillel a Rabbi was approached by a Roman soldier and asked what a law is he replied with Do unto others as you want done to yourself beginning of writing the Torah Diaspora 135 1948 Rabbi synagogues Torah Talmud Hillel Messiah savior of Israelites

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UB UGC 111 - Ancient Israel

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