KIN 100 1st Edition Lecture 8 Training Adaptations Specificity a specific exercise in a specific individual elicits a specific training response genes play a role in this Delorme s Overload Principle exercise must include increases in frequency intensity and or duration to have a training effect one must change regimine Types of Anaerobic Training Strength Training Isometric since 1950 s no change in muscle length ie pushing against a wall can be done anywhere Dynamic Delorme s Progressive Resistance Training PRE Fine baseline strength level then increase intensity freq or duration Free weights Repetition Maximum Load RM suggested 8 12 RM 8 12 reps Exercise Machines specificity does not produce same effect as corresponding free weight exercises Eccentric Exercises lengthening of muscle produces greater force but more soreness than concentric contractions plyometrics depth jumping Power Training Some aerobic combine force and time Power force x distance time sport activity specificity Short term training Some aerobic sprining rowing running stairs general principle activities lasting 10 30 seconds Anaerobic Training Adaptations Muscle changes in resting levels of ATP CP glycogen Fiber type muscles can be in between fast and slow twitch slow twitch muscles can gain fast twitch qualities when exposed to anaerobic activity Recruitment FT ST when slow vs fast twitch muscle fibers are used slow used before fast Hypertrophy changes in size of muscle fiber due to training Hyperplasia increase in number of muscle fibers due to training evidence that muscle fibers split in half complicated due to how motor neurons control muscle fibers Fiber Type Transitions Capillarization increase in number of capillaries increase in number of enzymes increase in bone density Aerobic Training Continuous Training long slow distance Interval Training repeated exercise bouts wit rest 400m repeates use more ATP PC less lactate more overall work less fatigue Aerobic System Changes Increases in mitochondria number myoglobin aerobic metabolism fat metabolism circulation heart size increase in wall thickness blood volume more blood means more can be pumped stroke volume Detraining All exercise changes are reversible roughly same time frame changes that took 1 year will take about 1 year to disappear Controlling Exercise Intensity Train at of max heart rate Max HR 220 age Exercise Perception how you feel Borg Scale light heavy activity Train at lactate threshold
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