ANSC 107 1nd Edition Lecture 17 Outline of previous lecture I Male reproductive system a Organs b Functions c Structures II Female reproductive system a Functions b Anatomy Outline of current lecture I Hormones Successful reproduction Some of the animals are seasonal breeders that are influenced by the length of the day others will essentially reproduce any month of the year Reproduction is the basis of all animal production Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Secreted by Hypothalamus Acts upon anterior pituitary Stimulates release of FSH GnRH hypothalamic hormone that provided the positive drive for secretion of both LH and FSH by the anterior pituitary LH Luteinizing hormone Secreted by anterior pituitary Acts upon ovary LH is a pituitary hormone that is responsible for These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Induces ovulation and development of the corpus luteum o Aids in the maturation of the follicle and spermatozoa o Stimulates testosterone production in the male FSH follicle stimulating hormone Secreted by anterior pituitary Acts upon ovary Needed in very small amounts FSH o Induces follicular development o Induces estrogen production o Stimulates spermatogenesis Inhibin Secreted by Follicle Acts upon Anterior pituitary Inhibin causes reduction in FSH production by the anterior pituitary Estrogen estradiol Secreted by follicle Responsible for o Estrus o Influence mobility and secretory function in the reproductive tract o Uterine milk o Early stage development of the mammary gland Progesterone Secreted by Corpus Luteum pregnancy hormone o maintenance of pregnancy o final maturation of the mammary glands o reduced excitably of smooth muscle fibers o Negative feedback to the hypothalamus Oxytocin Secreted by Posterior pituitary corpus luteum Acts upon smooth muscle Involved in o Milk let down o Uterine contractions during parturition o Contractions of smooth muscle in the uterus and oviducts during mating Prostaglandin Secreted by Uterine lining Acts upon corpus luteum Produced by the endometrium of the non pregnant uterus o Causes regression of the corpus luteum o Causes uterine contraction o Gives pregnant or open signal Interferon tau cattle and sheep Pregnancy recognition signal o Produced by fertilized ovum o Received by uterus o Blocks leuteolysis destruction of CL
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