UGA BIOL 1108 - Blood Sugar and Calcium Regulation

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BIOL 1108 Edition 1nd Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Learning Objectives II Major Communication and Control Systems III Endocrine System IV Reproduction and Development V Hormone Evolution VI AIS Outline of Current Lecture I Learning Objectives II Blood Sugar Regulation III IV Hormones that Regulate Blood Sugar Diabetes Mellitus V Calcium Regulation VI Hormones that Regulate Calcium Current Lecture I II Learning Objectives 1 Be able to Describe a homeostatic feedback response for blood sugar and blood calcium Blood Sugar Regulation Energy Source major source of fuel for respiration Carbohydrate skeletons proved for biosynthesis building more complicated molecules from simple ones Blood Sugar Range 70 100 mg 100 mL These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute TOPHAT QUESTION You just skipped a meal what is the effector organ for the upregulation of your blood sugar levels A The liver III Hormones that Regulate Blood Sugar Glucagon made by alpha cells in the pancreas Target tissues liver cells Glucagon signals the conversion of glycogen in the liver to glucose and its release into the blood stream Insulin made by beta cells in the pancreas Target tissues any cell except the brain that take up glucose Cells in the liver uptake glucose and store it as glycogen decrease glycogen breakdown IV Diabetes Mellitus Type I Insulin dependent Immune system is destroying the beta cells in the pancreas Cannot produce insulin V VI Type II Non insulin dependent Failure of the target cells to respond normally Lack of exercise and excess body weight aid because the additional sugar in fat cannot be removed 7th most common cause of death in the U S Calcium Regulation Importance o Normal cell functioning o Synaptic transmission If the levels are too low then it s going to affect skeletal muscles causing them to contract convulsively tetanus If the levels are too high the calcium phosphate precipitates form in the body tissues and can cause organ failure Calcium Range 9 11 mg 100 mL Hormones that regulate Calcium Parathyroid hormone PTH Produced in the parathyroid Target tissues bones release Ca 2 into the bloodstream and kidneysreabsorption of Ca2 and converts vitamin D into an active hormone which stimulates the uptake of Ca2 from blood Calcitonin Produced in the thyroid Target tissues bones inhibits uptake of Ca2 rom bones into the bloodstream and kidneys enhances Ca2 release from kidneys

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UGA BIOL 1108 - Blood Sugar and Calcium Regulation

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