UA RELI 160D2 - Anti-Semitism & Jewish Movements
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RELI 160D2 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Samaritans a Mt Gerizim II Galilee Zealots Sanhedrin III Women a Social position role b Betrothal c Dowry IV Christian Anti Semitism Outline of Current Lecture I Enlightenment II Deism and Zionism III Geographical groupings A Sephardic B Ashkenazi C Oriental IV Jewish Movements A Orthodox B Reform C Conservative Current Lecture In 1099 European universities established for first time ever When they came back from being with the muslims they had learned tons of things from them but they become paranoid Huge increase in anti semitism 4th Lateran Council a church Didn t stop anti semitism though False accusations 1 Black plague hits jews had ritual bathing so they re barely dying but a bunch of christians are They re poisoning our wealth think the Christians 2 The jewish doctors were accused of sorcery the work of the devil because they could cure things christian doctors couldn t 3 Kidnapping and killing children Usury accused of this Money for interest but exorbitant 14th and 15th century tons of students left europe for poland In Western europe in 1492 the jews were driven out of spain had to convert or get out Moved into north Africa Israel Palestine or northern Greece 1st Ghetto In Venice Italy If you were a jew you had to be in the ghetto by sundown and you couldn t leave until sun up They cannot own land they could only work for christians When protestant reformation started in 1517 Luther Calvin etc didn t challenge anti semitism that stayed the same The enlightenment is when things really changed Freedom equality fraternity Religion is a private matter It didn t touch eastern europe for a long time just western Jews are now full citizens can hold office in government It spawned reform judaism The prejudice did not leave The jews are not a race they re a family of people within the semitic world Race becomes the issue now not religion Beginning of 20th century Zionism comes to play We have to move back to Palestine so we have our own place In Eastern Europe Jews still under the gone enlightenment hasn t hit there ZIonism was established by Theodore Herzl Deism enlightenment religion God exists and created the universe but now has nothing to do with it Nothing is supernatural everything has to be tested Geographical Groupings Sephardic Orthodox in Spain Very strict Their language is a combination of hebrew and spanish There are about 1 million About 6 million in the united states today Ashkenazi The largest group Originally German but then just all european jews They developed the yiddish language hebrew and german 13 million people Oriental Mid eastern jews Iraq Iran Major Jewish Movements Orthodox Or traditionalists follow the bible literally Everything in bible or talmud must be observed professor mumbles so much Reform Moses Mendelssohn was the founder Practical founder was David Friedlander We have no obligation to observe ceremonial rituals Bible has to be rationally interpreted Used the Vernacular instead of hebrew Dietary laws kosher don t have to be observed Called their synagogues temples Concentrate on social justice Are not expecting a Messiah Conservative founder was Zacharias Frankel Continued next time

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