UA RELI 160D2 - Judaism and Anti-Semitism
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RELI 160D2 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Ceremonies II Temple a History and meaning and vocabulary III Synagogue IV Talmud V Palestine a First century conditions and slavery Outline of Current Lecture II Pharisees Sadducees Essenes III Samaritans A Mt Gerizim IV Galilee Zealots Sanhedrin V Women a Social position role b Betrothal c Dowry VI Christian Anti Semitism Current Lecture Pharisees strict observers of the law Separated from anything not Jewish Believe in resurrection personal immortality angels and devils Warned Jesus that his life was in danger Sadducees wealthy jews Merchants etc They cooperate with the Romans it s just business but to the rest of the jews it looks tratorish They accepted only the first 5 books of the bible They reject resurrection personal immortality and angels devils Essenes started around 165 BCE A Monastic group They feel that they re the only true jews They re a separatist group Sociologically they would be called a withdrawal group Believe the end of the world is near Took turns killing themselves Eventually there were 13 caves that contained a library of the Essenes The bible is almost exactly accurate it validates the jewish scriptures Samaritans located in central Israel Palestine In 722 BC were conquered by the Assyrians The samaritans intermarried with Assyrian soldiers more than any other group did They shared a lot of the same beliefs In 5th century built their own rival temple called Mt Gerizim They were looked upon by the jews as unclean It was destroyed by the Jews after they won their freedom in 165 BCE Galilee North Group of after the gentiles People coming from Syria to Egypt it was a trade route a stopping point They were orthodox Jews and very faithful As far as belief no known difference between the south but different dialect Most were farmers Zealots emerged in 6 AD Judas the Galilean was the founder of this zealot movement Sicarii are dagger barriers they re hardcore zealots Very sick of the Romans In 66 AD they were leading the revolt against the Romans Guerilla war Sanhedrin ruling body of the Jews that are in charge of religious and criminal law It s like the Supreme Court for the government The orthodox jews are pretty much direct descendents of the pharisees The Social Position of Women Hated women Literally thought women were useless lives nothing but machines for making babies First century when a woman left her home face hidden by two veils hair covered covered from neck to top of feet because a woman is property of her father until after marriage which then makes her property of her husband For inheritance rights they were always behind men sons Education was limited so women did domestic duties Until she was 12 and a half must marry whoever her father chooses Betrothal Marriage starts with this contract Included the dowry what her father gave her 2 or 3 cloths or something If divorce takes place what will she receive You re considered married for at least a year before they come together as husband and wife During that year she is taught the duties of a wife by her mother Divorce permitted but uncommon because it was expensive and the man would look like a failure Had a public stigma Absence of children is misfortune punishment Women didn t have to attend temple But today women can be rabbis and can sit together in temple Christian Anti Semitism Rosemary Ruether Let his blood be upon us and upon our children in Gospel of Matthew during crusifiction No problems in relationships but was curved big time by St Augustine Important Christian theologian Jews both wife and property should be protected Because eventually they ll all convert to christianity their thought process Pope Gregory The Great He was pope of church but western empire as well What he says becomes law of the land All changes radically because of the first crusade Demands to try to recapture Jerusalem Even though the muslims would let them come in and worship They conquer the city in 1095 but it was a bloodbath didn t even know who they were killing

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