PSYCH 3620 1nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 6 Three domains of development 6 themes of developmental psychology Equifinality vs multifinality Psychoanalytic theory o Three part of personality and their guiding principle o Five psychosexual developmental stages age needs and relevant issues Erikson s psychosocial development theory o 8 stages and main challenges and possible outcomes of each stage Classical conditioning o important contributors o little Albert experiment o US UR CS CR Operant conditioning o Leading figures o Positive negative reinforcement o Positive negative punishment o extinction Social cognitive theory o important contributors o Bobo doll experiment o 4 components of modeling o 4 strategies to enhance self efficacy Bronfenrenner s ecological theory o Microsystem o Mesosystem o Exosystem o Macrosystem o Chronosystem Zygote and 23 pairs of chromosomes Genes DNA 4 nitrogenous elements G A T C Genetics genomics Gene environment interactions o Canalization Epigenetics o Passive active evocative genes Mendelian inheritance o Dominant recessive genes o Genotype vs phenotype Sources for genetic disorders Single gene disorders o Tay Sachs disease o PKU o Sickle cell Diseases problems associated w Y chromosome o Color blindness hemophilia DMD Three stages of prenatal development and their time frames Early structure and changes of zygote o blastocyst embryo amnion o placenta chorion Three layers of inner cell mass Development and function of placenta Cephalocaudal development Development sequence of senses Sexual differentiation Breathing of fetus Three stage of pregnancy and their time frames Teratogens Fetal Alcohol Syndrome SIDS 6 major areas of the brain and their functions Hemispheres of brain corpus callosum Amygdale prefrontal cortex Structure and function of neurons Synapse neurotransmitter delivery of nervous impulses Synaptogenesis pruning learning development Principles and time of pruning Myelin sheath myelination and directions of myelination development Motor cortex and motor skill development o Reflexes o Motor development milestones
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