PSYCH 3620 1nd Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Basic structure and functions of brain areas A Cerebrum cortex B Corpus callosum the bridge C Plasticity of our brain II Brain Development III Synapse A Synaptogenesis B Pruning away of unused synapses use it or lose it C What continue to develop during adolescence IV Myelination V Motor Skills Development Outline of Current Lecture I Cognitive Development of Children II Theory of Cognitive Development III Piaget s Theory IV Post formal or Dialectical thinking V Critique of Piaget VI Vygotsky VII Executive Function VIII ADHD Current Lecture I Mistakes children make indicate the nature of their thought processes As children develop the structure of their thinking changes and these new modes of thought are based on the earlier structures II The theory of cognitive development was developed by Piaget Schemas cognitive framework that places concepts into categories association Assimilation to fit modify new info based on existent Accommodation changing creating schemas to fit new info These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Equilibration 1 Cognitive development is driven by the equilibration 2 There is an Equilibrium state between schemas environment 3 There is a balance between assimilation accommodation III Sensorimotor stage birth 2 years 1 4 months begin to use reflexes to satisfy needs motor schemas 8 12 months goal directed 12 18 months experimenting and the Development of object permanence Preoperational stage 2 7 years Use of concrete symbols Fantasy play imaginary companion Language Drawing Transductive reasoning Deductive reasoning vs Inductive reasoning assign causal links without logical support magical explanations Concrete operational stage 7 12 years Think logically conservation reversibility Ability to reverse operations mentally Pay attention to the process how Classification Ability to classify objects into categories Questions asked in the guess who game Seriation Put objects in order by height weight etc Formal operational stage 12 years and older Abstract thought Hypothetico deductive reasoning form hypotheses reason logically for answers systematically test them Adolescent egocentrism Elkind 1979 Imaginary audience Personal fable uniqueness IV Children Move away from absolute and pure logic and Understand the complex sometimes contradictory nature of many things and develop a Moral dilemma V Critique of Piaget Ages are not necessarily correct Stages are not necessarily distinct Social interaction learning environment Cross cultural validity o Difference in the rate at which children move through the stages VI Vygotsky says Children s cognitive development is most influenced by their social world All learning is culturally based Zone of proximal development Readiness to learn Scaffolding What the adults educators do to assist children Private speech The self directed talk transforming teaching into learning VII Infancy novelty preference Habituation Childhood Increase ability to direct and sustain attention Differences genetic social factors Low SES parents less stimulation less support higher impulsivity and less sustained attention Processing efficiency automaticity VIII Infant Memory 3 month olds remember a stimulus for 1 week 18 month olds remember for13 weeks Infantile amnesia Not remembering events before age 3 Infants toddlers remember things via emotion action sensory visual memory vs episodic verbal encoding IX Memory in childhood Encoding strategies Scripts Repetition rehearsal Organization association Elaboration Knowledge base The more someone knows about a topic the easier it is to remember new related information False memories are also easily to drum up X Executive Function Coordination of attention memory and behavioral responses for the purpose of attaining a certain goal Inhibition the ability to stay on task ignore distractions and or inhibit impulses Cognitive flexibility the ability to switch focus as you need to in order to complete the task
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