UNT PSYC 3620 - Brain Development
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PSYCH 3620 1nd Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I 3 Stages of Prenatal Development A Germinal stage B Embryonic stage C Fetal stage II Pregnancy III Maternal Diet IV Teratogens forty V Risks after the birth VI Cultural effects on becoming parents Outline of Current Lecture I Basic structure and functions of brain areas A Cerebrum cortex B Corpus callosum the bridge C Plasticity of our brain II Brain Development III Synapse A Synaptogenesis B Pruning away of unused synapses use it or lose it C What continue to develop during adolescence IV Myelination V Motor Skills Development Current Lecture I Basic structure and functions of brain areas A Cerebrum cortex Frontal processes complex thoughts movement language working memory and self control Parietal processes sensory input and spatial awareness Temporal involves hearing language memory for facts visual memory and emotion occipital lobe processes visual information Other prefrontal cortex amygdala hippocampus These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Cerebellum controls balance and movement Brain stem controls basic functions such as breathing B Corpus callosum the bridge Connect right and left hemispheres Are right left hemispheres symmetrical C Plasticity of our brain our brain is flexable II Neurons cell body axons usually 1 dendrites many Each neuron could be connected to up to 15 000 others myelin sheath III Synapse Synaptogenesis Axons connect to dendrites at the synapse or synaptic connection At birth about 2 500 synapses per neuron By age 3 about 15 000 synapses per neuron Pruning away of unused synapses use it or lose it Experience expectant brain development Critical window of development e g visual ability Experience dependent brain development Practice effect e g play music What continue to develop during adolescence prefrontal cortex reasoning judgment and impulse control The connections between reasoning centers and emotion centers amygdala Emotional responses in adolescents are less tempered by reasoning act on their emotions without thinking through a situation IV Myelination In order for neurons to work efficiently they need to be coated with a fatty substance known as myelin Myelination is still occurring after birth and through adolescence Myelination of speech centers and motor centers particularly fine motor skills motor development in the first few years It occurs in 2 directions Cephalocaudal head down Proximodistal center out to the extremities V Motor Skills Development Infant Reflexes Sucking Rooting Grasping Moro reflex Stepping reflex Motor development milestones universal Practice effect Sensation Vision visual acuity 20 400 high contrast area 6mo 3yr Hearing mother s voice background noise Smell taste turn to mother s scent prefer sweat Touch skin to skin human touch enhance growth Motor skills cognitive learning

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UNT PSYC 3620 - Brain Development

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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