PSYCH 3620 1nd Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Themes of Human Development II Life Long Changing Developing A Continuing vs Stage like B Stages of Child Development III Continuity IV Multidimensional Domains of Development A Physical B Cognitive C Social emotional V Contextual A Cultural Contextual Factors B Moderating Effects VI Interactional A Genetics Hereditary x Environment B Role of The Child C Predictor vs Outcome chart Outline of Current Lecture I Psychoanalytic Theory A 3 Parts of Personality II Psychosexual Developmental Stages III Psychosocial stages of development IV Behaviorism V Operate Conditioning VI Social Cognitive Theory VII Bronfenbrenner s Ecological theory Current Lecture I II The psychoanalytic theory was created by Sigmund Freud and contains three stages 1 Id pleasure principle 2 Ego reality principle 3 Superego conscience morality The psychosexual theory contains five stages 1 Oral 0 1 years focus of pleasure is on the mouth taking in 2 Anal 1 3 years focus of pleasure is in the anal area potty training These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute VI 3 Phallic 3 6 years focus of pleasure is on the penis for boys clitoris for girls Oedipus Electra complex castration anxiety 4 Latency 6 12 years olds sexual drive goes underground and gives energy to learning to be an adult schooling 5 Genital 12 and older adult sexuality The Psychosocial Theory was developed by Erikson with eight stages 1 Trust vs Mistrust Development of trust in maternal care and one s ability to cope vs hopelessness 2 Autonomy vs Shame Doubt Independence and self control vs lack of confidence 3 Initiative vs Guilt exuberant activity vs over control 4 Industry vs Inferiority learning the tasks of one s society vs a sense of inadequacy 5 Identity vs Role confusion integration of previous experiences to form an identity vs confusion about ones role in society 6 Intimacy vs Isolation ability to form close relationships vs fear of losing the self 7 Generativity vs Stagnation Guiding the next generation vs preoccupation with one s own needs 8 Integrity vs Despair Achievement of a sense of meaning in life vs focus on fear of death Behaviorism was created by John B Watson We are born a tabula rasa blank slate our environment determines our behavior Classical conditioning pairing of stimuli Ex Pavlov s dogs Operant Conditioning created by B F Skinner Operant conditioning a voluntary random behavior response is strengthened by its association with positive consequences Reinforcement a stimulus that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated Negative reinforcement removal of a stimulus increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated Ex schedule always fixed Interval varied schedule Punishment a negative consequence reduces the likelihood of a behavior happening again Extinction ignoring a behavior makes it stop Social Cognitive Theory created by Albert Bandura Learning through observation imitation modeling Differs from behaviorism in looking at inner mental processes 4 components attention memory motoric ability motivation III IV V VII Individuals grow and develop within a nested set of influences Microsystem Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem Chronosystem
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