UNT PSYC 3620 - Intro to Developmental Psychology
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PSYCH 3620 1nd Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Themes of Human Development II Life Long Changing Developing A Continuing vs Stage like B Stages of Child Development III Continuity IV Multidimensional Domains of Development A Physical B Cognitive C Social emotional V Contextual A Cultural Contextual Factors B Moderating Effects VI Interactional A Genetics Hereditary x Environment B Role of The Child C Predictor vs Outcome chart Current Lecture Themes of human Development Lifelong changing process Continuity thought the life span Multidimensional Contextual Interactional Lifelong changing Continuous development deals with incremental theories quantitative changes Ex Taller factual learning Stage like development deals with stage theories qualitative changes Ex Walking abstract thinking Stages of Development include Prenatal Infancy 0 15 months Toddler 1 3 yr Pre school age 2 5 6 yr Elementary age 5 11 yr Adolescence 10 18 yr Early adulthood 17 23 yr Continuity Contentious children are less likely to smoke drink and commit suicide Early secure attachment and relationships w peers predict later romantic relationships in adulthood Greater self control in 4 y o predicted ability to delay gratification in adolescence Multidimensional Domains of Development Physical the body and the brain Cognitive thinking understanding language reasoning Social Emotional self identity connecting to others understanding regulating feelings Contextual Cultural contextual factors Individualism vs collectivism Environmental effects Gender race ethnicity social economic status Moderating effects Maternal depression acting out son daughter in 2 y o but daughter son in 6 y o Mother returned to work lower scores on vocabulary only in white but associated w higher behavioral problems in Hispanic Predictor vs Outcome Chart

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UNT PSYC 3620 - Intro to Developmental Psychology

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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