1st Edition
ATMOCN 100: Weather and Climate
School: University of Wisconsin, Madison (UW-Madison )
Pages: 8A lecture about thunderstorms and their formations. Also some information about cumulonimbus clouds and wind shear.
Pages: 10A review of things we should know for the test. And this lecture includes the review sheet questions given to us to be used as a guide for the test on Wednesday.
Pages: 34I went through each chapter from our book and defined terms, and wrote about important things I believe we should know. For a lot of lecture notes it was repetitive so I didn't include all of that. I also wrote the summaries for the Microphysics material.
Pages: 8A lot of review from the past lecture. And then some new information about the process in which ice grows.
Pages: 8A continuing lecture about microphysics. This lecture has to do with how rain forms and then the process in which ice forms.
Pages: 11This lecture is about microphysics of how clouds droplets and rain droplets are formed.
Pages: 12Finishing up on stability. More about the dry and mouse adiabatic processes. Also information about stability. And some new stuff about LFC and LCL.
Pages: 13A lot of weather notes, there is a severe storm risk in Kansas Missouri region. And then some discussion of stability. And different terms that exist in stability like air parcels,and some basic principles.
Pages: 9A lot of weather of the day notes. And then notes about some force balancing stuff with some models notes. There is also discussion about air parcels and wind balances.
Pages: 10Mostly a description of weather notes with some relation to topics we have been talking about. No actual powerpoint lecture slides today.
Pages: 9Key forces that accelerate the air, force balances, formulas, and friction forces
Pages: 10Weather of the day notes, weather models, different types of models, and some key models we should know
Pages: 6Guest lecture notes not sure if we need to know. Some current weather notes and a few tips on how to find weather for homework assignment for Friday.
Pages: 9Heat vs. Temperature, some heat discussion. And some energy discussion. And then going into the primary observed weather variables and models we can use to understand these variables.
Pages: 4Website of the day notes, surface pressure revisited, humidity discussion, and vertical structure of the atmosphere temperature
Pages: 6Weather notes, Some variables defining the state of the atmosphere
Pages: 5Cloud identifications. Beginning of composition of atmosphere discussion.
Pages: 4Cloud Project introduction. Description of cloud and some fog identifications