1st Edition
GEO 211: Earth's Dynamic Weather
School: Illinois State University (ISU )
Pages: 4Covers the rest of Chapter 3 as well as Air Temperature Data
Pages: 3Covers brief notes on solar particles and aurora as well as starts to cover Chapter 3- Earth and Sun relationships
Pages: 3Covers the rest of the Radiation and Temperature notes
Pages: 2Covers radiation and temperatures and the differences between the wavelengths of the Earth and Sun
Pages: 3Covers the rest of Chapter 2- Energy- Warming the Earth and the Atmosphere continued
Pages: 2This lecture goes into the beginning of Chapter 2 and goes over the different types of energy, the different degrees temperature can be determined at, and the methods of heat transfer
Pages: 2Finishes up Chapter 1 notes with talking about how the vertical profile of our atmosphere is defined as based on function.
Pages: 2A more in depth look at the different ways the atmosphere can be identified as based on different elements (temperature, composition)
Pages: 2Lecture 1: Goes through the basic definitions of different elements of weather and climate and the Earth's systems that affect weather in Chapter 1 of the textbook