1st Edition
BCHM 3050: Essential Elements of Biochemistry
School: Clemson University (Clemson )
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Pages: 3Review of the stoichiometry calculations for the amounts of protons and ATP produced at different times and the related structures that aid in these productions.
Pages: 5Discussion of the molecules and steps of glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain.
Pages: 3Questions about how the process of transcription and translation are similar and different in eukaryotes and prokaryotes, include the mechanisms and molecules used. Also review of post translational modifications and various scientists who made important discoveries relevant to the topics discussed.
Pages: 5The main focus is on DNA including discussion about its structure, the importance of its function, and the main steps required in synthesizing and maintaining DNA.
Pages: 5Review on the topics of amino acids structures, protein folding and functions, and enzymes