PSYC 362: Physiological Psychology
School: Binghamton University (BU )
Pages: 8Overview of Chapter 5, including different means of researching and studying the brain.
Pages: 8Overview of Chapter 8. All the important stuff about sleep, how stuff works and where it happens.
Pages: 4Auditory system section of Chapter 7. Functions, stimuli, pathways, etc.
Pages: 3Somatosensory system section of Chapter 7. Functions, stimuli, pathways, etc.
Pages: 2Gustation system section of Chapter 7. Functions, stimuli, pathways, etc.
Pages: 2Olfaction system section of Chapter 7. Functions, stimuli, pathways, etc.
Pages: 7Vision system through chapter 6. Includes information on the functions, stimuli, anatomy, pathways, case studies, and more.
Pages: 20Combination of lecture notes and chapter notes for exam one, drizzled down to all of the important stuff. Key for color code is on last page if you are interested.
Pages: 5Notes form 2/17/15 on chapter 4. this completes the notes for Exam 1
Pages: 2part of Notes from 2/12/15, up to the end of chapter 3. the rest of the notes from that day are separated because they are involved in chapter 4 content.
Pages: 3Lecture notes from day 4. Chapter 2 mostly, the very beginning of chapter 3 as well.