UGA BIOL 1103 - DNA Replication
Type Lecture Note
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BIOL 1103 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture II Details of Mendel s Experiments III Homozygous vs Heterozygous IV Probability Outline of Current Lecture I Watson Crick and Franklin II Components of DNA III DNA replication and Mutations IV RNA and RNA processing V Amino Acids VI Transcription and Translation VII Steps of Translation Current Lecture James Watson and Francis Crick 1953 credited with establishing double helix shape of DNA Rosalind Franklin she perfomed X ray crystallography imaging to get an image that helped prove Watson and Crick s theory but was not given credit for it Components of DNA o Phosphate group sugar deoxyribose and bases A T C G These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o Phosphates and sugars make up backbone o Adenine always bonds to thymine and guanine always bonds to cytosine unless you have a mutation DNA replication o DNA strands splits into things called the Watson Side and the Crick Side amino acids join these strands to form two new strands of DNA o o This means each new DNA is a combination of the old and the new o Mutations are when the wrong bases bon and subsequently create a permanently altered gene Permanently altered strand o o Two types of mutation Heritable such as germ cell mutations Nonheritable somatic cell mutations RNA o Ribonucleic Acid o Three differences between RNA and DNA Sugar is ribose rather than deoxyribose Uricil replaces thymine RNA is usually single stranded o Types of RNA o o RNA processing removing introns and splice exons together o Amino acids o A protein is a polymer of amino acids o There are 20 different amino acids o Linkage of several amino acids produces a polypeptide chain Transcription and Translation o Transcription Forming RNA from DNA o 1 messenger RNA mRNA sequence of codons o 2 ribosomal RNA part of ribosome o 3 transfer RNA tRNA transfer amino acids to ribosome o Translation making proteins occurs at ribosome needs mRNA ribosomes and tRNA Translation steps o Initiation o Elongation o Termination INITIATION o ELONGATION o TERMINATION o

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