BIOL 1103 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture II Mitosis and Cytokinesis III DNA and Mitosis IV Chromosomes V Mitosis Stages VI Cell Cycle VII Cancer Outline of Current Lecture VIII Meiosis and human sexual life cycle IX Chromosomes X Crossing over and Recombination XI Independent assortment XII Nondisjunction Current Lecture Meiosis prepares for sexual reproduction o Reduces number of chromosomes by half in the formation of haploid gametes in animals and spores in plants These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o Chromosomes o Diploid Having two of each type of chromosome 2N Haploid Having a single set of chromosomes 1N o Homologous chromosomes come in pairs diploid species have matching pairs homologous chromosomes carry corresponding genes o Chromosomes being separated through meiosis 1 and 2 o Crossing over and recombination o Nonsister chromatids intertwine with each other forming a tetrad and are then separate before they have time to return the parts of their nonsister chromatid partner o Independent assortment o Describes the possible arrangement of chromosomes as they split in meiosis 2 there are over 8 million possible combinations of chromosomes in this phase o Below are two o Nondisjunction o Describes how chromosomes can be unevenly distributed resulting in cells with extra chromosomes o This can cause disabilities such as Down Syndrome o
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