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Geography 2412 Nov 7 2011 Wolves Ecosystems and Biodiversity Conserva on News Idaho and Mont state wolf hunts head to court By MATTHEW BROWN Associated Press Wolves and Conserva on Biology Ecosystems and Biodiversity De ni ons Threats Conserva on Biology Di erent Approaches to Protec ng Biodiversity Endangered Species Act CITES Markets Ecosystem services Ethics Poli cal Economy Ecosystems Abio c Bio c Importance of Scale Scale of analysis Scale of perspec ve Trophic Levels Biodiversity What is it How to we protect it The sum total of all organisms in an area Species diversity popula ons communi es Gene c diversity Ecosystem landscape diversity The Diversity of ecosystems species and genes and the ecological processes that support them Species Diversity Most common measurement Number OR variety of species Species Richness number of species Rela ve Abundance evenness of species Endemic species unique to a par cular area Concerns ex nc ons Solu ons Endangered Species Act Act Red list CITES Habitat protec on Endangered Species Act ESA 1973 Protect na ve sh plants and wildlife 99 successful at preven ng ex nc ons NWF Highly poli cal Public Par cipa on Sate vs Federal government conserva on vs development Private landowners vs public rights Wolves delisted at state levels WY ID MT parts of OR WA UT Interna onal Biodiversity Conserva on CITES Conven on on Interna onal Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 1973 Appendix I threatened with ex nc on Appendix II threatened by trade but not close to ex nc on Appendix III regionally threatened by trade Conven on on Biological Diversity 1992 promo ng equitable sustainable conserva on 188 na ons signed not including U S Biodiversity Hotspots Global Gap Analysis GENETIC DIVERSITY Di erences in DNA composi on among individuals within species and popula ons Concerns inbreeding depression increased risk of ex nc on How isolated patches ecosystem fragmenta on Loss of gene c material and species variety domes c crops Solu ons Species protec on conserva on corridors ex situ conserva on Ecosystem Biodiversity Number and Variety of Ecosystems Diversity habitats communi es within an ecosystem endemic species and within a landscape Concerns loss of ecosystem diversity globally loss of diverse systems eg rainforests Fragmenta on within landscapes and ecosystems loss of species and gene c diversity Solu ons biodiversity hotspots Ecoregional conserva on GAP analysis conserva on corridors Ecosystem and Biome Diversity Global Biome Distributions the largest ecological units on the basis of the dominant vegetation Biodiversity Unevenly Distributed Threats to Biodiversity Habitat Loss Fragmenta9on Alterna9on the leading cause of species gene c ecosystem biodiversity loss Invasive species Pollu on Climate Change Over harves ng Why Save Biodiversity Ecosystem Services Stabilizes earth s climate food fuel ber and building materials Generates and renews soil fer lity Ethics Anthropogenic Current use for people Future poten al Bio centric Eco centric Enhances food security Market Price tag on ecosystem Medicine cures services Ecotourism Marke ng nature Social Construc on Poli cal Economy How to Save Biodiversity Science Interna onal Trea es Interna onal Conserva on agencies Conserva on Biology A science built on ac vism to promote biodiversity conserva on Solu on based research to provide the basis for intelligent and informed management Combining preserva onist wise use philosophies with stewardship ethic natural social sciences theory prac ce Conserva on Biology Biodiversity species gene c ecosystem Island Biogeography Na onal Parks Protected areas Conserva on Corridors Landscape Ecoregional Conserva on Interna onal Conserva on Organiza ons BINGOs UNEP United Na ons Environment Program Kenya CI conserva on Interna onal Washington DC WWF World Wide Fund for Nature Gland Switzerland NC Nature Conservancy WCS Wildlife Conserva on Society FFI Flora and Fauna Interna onal IUCN Interna onal Union for the Conserva on of Nature African Wildlife Founda on Rainforest Ac on Network Conserva on Interna onal CI s Biodiversity Hotspots WWF s Ecoregions WWF World Wide Fund for Nature A cri cal perspec ve Construc on of Nature Hotspots From Biodiversity Conserva on to Climate Change Focus Poli cal Economy Loca on of majority of conserva on hotspots and focus in the Global South but lead by conserva on agencies based in the Global North The role of economics tourism vs science

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CU-Boulder GEOG 2412 - Wolves,Ecosystems,and Biodiversity Conservation

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