ANSC 107 1nd Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Previous Lecture I Companion animals II Toxins III Parasites IV Diseases V Reproduction Outline of Current Lecture I Health and Welfare II Disease III Immune System IV Operational Health Programs V Prevention Current Lecture Learning objectives To understand the importance of keeping animals healthy and stress free To be able to identify common diseases of livestock To understand programs in place to keep animals healthy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Health and Welfare Success of livestock producers requires proper animal husbandry properly take care of animals Animals will not produce efficiently under undesirable conditions Producers work on ways to reduce animals stress when animals are stressed they go off feed in dairy cattle milk production is reduced o Feeding systems working systems living environment health enhancements vaccinations i e dairy swine beef cattle sheep and goats horse dogs and cats The Healthy animal Healthy free from disease Disease state other than complete wellness o Can be caused by virus bacteria internal or external parasites broken bones biochemical problems with body Clinical signs outward appearance or symptoms that s not normal Disease Pathology is the study of the essential nature of diseases Etiology refers to the cause of disease or the study of the cause of disease Producer and veterinary interaction to insure animal welfare Requirements of an infectious disease Organism must enter body of host o Skin cut mouth nose Must be able to adapt to host environment and reproduce Must be able to exit body Complete cycle by attacking another host The healthy animals Goal of animal producers is to enhance the animals resistance to environmental or man made pathogens o Vaccinations o Faculties o Genetics Immune system The bodies ability to prevent sickens Levels of protection are provided by o Skin mucous membranes o Lining of GI Tract o Antibody production Antibodies are protein molecules that are able to recognize harmful organisms and prevent them from haring the body Developing immunity Passive immunity o Passed from mother to offspring during gestation or from colostrum o Short term immunity protection and protection from organisms the dam was exposed to Active immunity o When antibodies are produced by the animal from exposure to an organism or vaccination Operation Health programs Prevention key to keeping animals healthy o Management o Nutrition o Genetics o Isolation quarantine SWINE INDUSTRY o Animal Identification o Quickly identify sick animals Management o Consult specialists o Stay current on new management systems Nutrition o Balanced rations specie specific o Proper boy condition score BCS o Fresh clean water no contaminants o Reduced metabolic problems Milk fever urinary calculi ketosis Grass tetany a flotoxins nitrate poisonings Colic founder Common problems Caseous o Lymphadenitis CL Sheep and goats Tetanus Operation Health Programs Genetics eliminate animals with problems o Sheep and goat Scrapie entropion spider lamb syndrome footrot due to wet places internal parasites must cull entire herd o Cattle Curly calf syndrome angus o Swine PSS Porcine Stress Syndrome o Horses Hyperkalemia periodic paralysis disease HyPP Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy PSSM Isolation Quarantine o Separate new animals for 6 8 weeks o Test animals for any disease o Perform soundness exams on horses Animal Identification o Traceability of animals o Good record keeping Ear tag Microchip Tattoo Operation Health programs Quickly identify sick animals Quarantine if necessary Diagnose treat document treatment o Follow drug withdrawals and injection site locations Identify cause of sickness o Develop plan for short term and long term prevention Body Temperature Specie Rectal Temp degree F Cattle 101 5 Sheep Goat 102 Pig 102 Dog 102 Cat 101 5 Horse 100 Animal human interaction Zoonotic Disease disease that can pass from between animals and humans o i e ring worm spreads like crazy Prevention Pasteurization of milk eggs etc o Salmonella caused by not cooking thoroughly and cross contamination o E coli Inspection of meat products o Trichinosis Proper sanitation procedures o Vaccination of animals Rabies Elimination of infected animals herds Economic impact Mad Cow Disease BSE Avian Flu Bird Flu Foot and mouth Disease Equine Infectious Anemia Federal Programs USDA s inspection programs o APHIS Animal and plant health inspection service o Protects and promotes US agriculture Animal welfare Customs Emergency management and homeland security o National animal identification systems Trace back program to quickly identify and trace sick animals
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