UH KIN 3304 - Review of Exam 1 Questions/Answers

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KIN 3304 1nd Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Heart is busy but not all the time II Cool things about the heart III Heart IV Blood Flow V Pulmonary Circuit VI Systematic Circuit VII Located in Pericardial Cavity VIII Cardiocytes IX Intercalated Discs X Fibrous Skeleton XI Internal A P XII Right Atrium XIII Interatrial Septum XIV Left Atrium Outline of Current Lecture I Review of Exam 1 Current Lecture I Review of Exam 1 a Know which organelles are which i The Rough Endoplasmic Organelle has fixed ribosomes b Know that the plasmalemma is hydrophobic c Know that H1N1 is a virus and has DNA RNA has DNA d Know that there can be primary lysosomes and secondary lysosomes e Know that the plasmalemma and the cytoplasm are the two divisions of the cell f Know where the nuclear pores are g Know that there aren t many blood vessels in spongy bone h Know that bones are strong and flexible i Know that the 5th and 6th stages are the elongation of the bone j Know that the vessels that are responsible for replacing cartilage are Metaphyseal vessels k Know that elderly people lose osteoblasts l Any tissue can be calcified but only ossification results in bone formation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute m In Endochondral Ossification there is an expansion of cartilage matrix are this is called appositional growth n Know the Sarcomere image ON FINAL ALSO o Muscles are mortis if the muscle is locked in contraction position p The diaphragm is the muscle that is the reason that one cannot breath during exercise q The Aerobic Glycolysis Anaerobic Glycolysis ATP PC chart ON FINAL ALSO r When the z line is moving away from the M line during muscle action this is called eccentric action s During depolarization Ca2 diffuses into the zone of overlap t When an athlete rupture tendon due to his ability to exert more force then he should He has overridden his golgi tendon to do this u A shot putter wants to train maximal and as a trainer you should have them rotate through their exercises v When you do a knee jerk movement you use the muscle spindle apparatus w The component found in power strength and not in absolute strength is speed x During Brief Maximal Tension you are training your neuronal apparatus y Functional hypertrophy is achieved by reps with moderate to heavy weight repetitions until fatigue z Know the muscle contraction figure ON FINAL ALSO i what molecule is released at 1 Ach ii what travels down T tubule Action Potential iii what molecules enter the muscle cell Ca2 iv what increased Ca2 to expose actin Troponin Tropomyosin v what is required for myosin globular head to dissociate with actin binding site ATP vi where is Ca2 reabsorbed in step 6 Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

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UH KIN 3304 - Review of Exam 1 Questions/Answers

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