UGA CBIO 2200 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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CBIO 2200 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 6 9 Lecture 6 September 11 Describe the three layers of the epithelium 1 Simple Epithelium one layer of cells 2 Stratified Epithelium contains more than one layer above first layer cells do not touch basement membrane 3 Pseudo stratified Epithelium looks stratified but it s not all of the cells touch the basement membrane Three shapes of epithelium cells 1 Squamous can be simple or stratified 2 Columnar can be simple or stratified stratified columnar is very rare 3 Cuboidal can be simple or pseudo stratified Four types of simple epithelium 1 Simple squamous 2 Simple cuboidal 3 Simple columnar 4 Pseudo stratified columnar Which types of cells are associated with goblet cells Pseudo Stratified columnar and simple columnar What do goblet cells produce Mucous Types of stratified epithelium 1 Stratified squamous a Keratinized skin on palms of hands and soles of feet b Non keratinized mouth esophagus vagina 2 Stratified cuboidal found in glands 3 Stratified columnar rare 4 Transitional Epithelium associated with urinary system Main functions of connective tissue 1 Binding organs together 2 Support 3 Physical protection 4 Immune protection 5 Movement 6 Storage fat adipose cells 7 Heat production in infants 8 Transport Broad categories of connective tissue 1 Fibrous connective tissue cells fibers ground substances 2 Adipose tissue 3 Supportive connective tissue bone and cartilage 4 Fluid connective tissue blood Types of fibers 1 Collagenous fibers collagen 2 Reticular fibers collagen coated with glycoprotein 3 Elastic fibers made of elastin provide flexability Glycosaminoglycans A ground substance composed of unusual disaccharides called amino sugars and have amino sugars and have uronic acid attached to them Cells of the connective tissue Fibroblasts produce fibers Macrophages destroy foreign matter Leukocytes other white blood cells Plasma cells B lymphocytes that produce antibodies Mast cells secrete heparin and histamine causes swelling in nasal cavities Adipocytes fat cells main cell type in adipose tissues Types of fibrous connective tissue 1 Loose connective tissue a Areolar skin blood vessels etc b Reticular 2 Dense connective tissue a Regular b Irregular Adipose tissue Just cell membranes visible composed of adipocytes Types of cartilage 1 Hyaline a Glassy appearance contain lacunae covered with perichondrium b Can be considered articular cartilage keeps friction down between bones padding 2 Fibrocartilage a Bundles of collagen no perichondrium b Absorbs shock in vertebral column between disks 3 Elastic a Contains elastic fibers covered with perichondrium b In places with flexible cartilage e g ear Why is cartilage difficult to heal It does not have blood vessels associated with it What determines the type of cartilage The nature of the collagen fibers Lecture 7 September 16 Types of bone tissue osseous tissue 1 Spongy bone characterized by trabeculae aka spicules 2 Compact bone composed of osteons What is fluid connective tissue blood composed of 1 Plasma ground substance 2 Erythrocytes RBC 3 Leukocytes WBC 4 Platelets cell fragments that help in forming clots What does it mean that nervous tissue is excitable It is capable of responding to stimuli because of membrane potential What is membrane potential Electrical charge difference voltage that occurs across the plasma membrane What is nervous tissue composed of Neurons nerve cells Neuroglia support system immune cells provide nutrients Parts of the neuron 1 Neurosoma cells body 2 Dendrites 3 Axon nerve fiber Three types of muscles 1 Skeletal responsible for voluntary movements has striations 2 Cardiac myocytes or carsiocytes intercalated discs striated and involuntary branched 3 Smooth involuntary contain fusiform cells visceral abdomen in abdomen What is a cell junction Connections between one cell and another blood cells and metastatic cancer cells do not have cell junctions Types of cell junctions Tight junctions do not allow passage of molecules Desmosomes hold cells together do not allow passage of materials Hemi desmosomes attaches cell to basement membrane Gap junctions intercalated discs communicating junction ions can pass between cells What is hemidesmosomal epidermolysis bullosa An autosomal heritable blistering disease What is a gland A cell or organ that secretes a substance Functions of glands Secretion secreted substance that will remain in body Excretion secreted substance that will leave the body Types of glands Exocrine glands communicates with the surface via ducts Endocrine glands do not have ducts release products into blood stream and do not communicate with surface What organs have both endocrine and exocrine functions Liver gonads and pancreas What is the endocrine gland structure Capsule around them Septa trabeculae Stroma connective tissue framework of gland Parenchyma releases substance of gland Simple un branched or compound branched Different shapes of glands Tubular simple the duct and secretory portions are continuous and have the same diameter Acinar compound secretory parts have dilated sacs on the ends Tubulo acinar compound secretory cells are both in duct parts and secretory parts Classifications of glands based on types of secretions 1 Serous gland secrete watery substance 2 Mucous gland produces glycoprotein mucin combines with water to make mucous 3 Mixed gland secretes both watery substance as well as mucous secretion 4 Cytogenic glands produce an actual cell sperm in males and ovaries in females Classifications of glands based on their modes of secretion 1 Merocrine vesicles go to plasma membrane merge with it and release contents into cell e g tear glands 2 Aprocrine a product that is accumulated in a vesicle and is released from the cell 3 Holocrine the whole cell degenerates accumulate oil until it degenerates e g oil gland like on scalp Types of membranes 1 Cutaneous skin largest membrane stratified squamous epithelium 2 Mucous line passages that open to the outside e g nose digestive tract urinary tract contain goblet cells have three layers a Epithelium b Lamina propia contains blood vessels c Muscularis mucosa layer of smooth muscle 3 Serous internal membrane line cavities organs etc made up of squamous cells areolar tissue and smooth muscle a Endothelium serous membrane in blood vessels b Mesothelium pericardium plural cavity lining peritoneum 4 Synovial line joint cavities e g knee connective tissue secretes synovial fluid

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