ANSC 107 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Kosher II Livestock production systems III Dairy industry Outline of Current Lecture I Swine industry II Farrow to finish a Feeder operations b Farrow to wean operations c Other types of operations III Poultry industry a Poultry reproduction IV Market Classes and grading Current Lecture Swine industry Farrow to finish Highly valuable very efficient Confinement poultry and swine Very concerned about health issues PEDS virus originally from China transferred by shoes 2 million pigs died already Price of pork increases 30 and 60 by spring Animal welfare confinement Farrowing Crates illegal in California Used so babies do not get squished by the mother These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Feeder operations Young immature animal Farrow wean Have babies then sell them 12 14 lbs average weaning weight Farrow to finish operations All stages of production From breeding to market conception to consumption Breeding herd is maintained Offspring are sent to market Emphasis Maternal traits NBA and litter weaning NBA Number born alive Litter weaning weight Growth and Carcass traits Highly heritable Vertically integrated OWN EVERYTHING Make more money No more small farms takes out middle men Farrow to Wean Operations Sell weaned pigs to nursery grow finish farms 10 15 lbs 21 days old Breeding herd maintained High labor requirements Big operations Utilize AI Genetically stimulated Blood meal By product Put in animals feed Source of amino acids Fertilizer Other types of operations Grower finisher operations Purchase feeder pigs Feed until market weight Nursery grower finisher operations Purchase 21 day old pigs Protein dense feed then more to finishing program Poultry industry Vertical integration Own everything Components of the industry Producers Processors Marketing specialists Poultry Reproduction Sexual maturity at 18 weeks 21 days to hatch chicks 28 days to hatch turkey poultry Produce an egg every 28 hours Roosters do not need to be present for hen to lay eggs General integral Time someone is born until producing off spring Longest Elephant Shortest pigs chick rabbits Market Classes and Grading Why do we have grades Higher the grade the more its worth What do grades mean Marbling How good the steak tastes What are branded products Tyson KFC How has marketing changed Vertical integration Market classes and grades are designed to accurately describe livestock that are being sold around the country Type price trends Makes sales understandable by all parties Case ready products we buy parts Changed in Marketing In the past whole animal Currently Whole carcass vs specific cutes or products Global marketing Ethnic marketing Online sales Changes in advertising Market Classes Groups of animals separated according to use Slaughter Feeder Bred heifers Pairs cows with calves ewes with lambs Subclasses allow for uniformity Age Sex Weight Grades Designed to group animals according to relative merit within a market class Grades for slaughter animals generally fall into quality or cutability Quality denotes eating quality or palatability Cutabilty refers to leanness or trimness Feeder grades are subjective and utilized less frequently Feeder cattle are described in the industry as OKIE no brahman or CROSSBREED has Brahman genetics
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