ASU ENG 101 - Peer Review for Assignment #2

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http www public asu edu hiroshi eng101 Peer Review for Assignment 2 Author Readers This paper asks you to use reading and writing to help you understand how history the stories we tell about the past influences our current activities and beliefs Thus the paper you write for this assignment should describe and analyze the ways in which histories of the space you examined in the first assignment influence current beliefs and attitudes As a peer reviewer it is your responsibility to communicate your comments questions and suggestions to the author in a productive way Your response will be the primary feedback the author will use to improve his her paper Thus you should pay attention to moments when the author is effectively communicating ideas and is engaging you as a reader and you should also notice when the author reader communication breaks down Try not to focus on GMP grammar mechanics and punctuation errors Directions 1 Quietly read the entire draft through once perhaps circling or checking problematic sentences or paragraphs 2 Read the goals for Assignment 2 3 Read the peer review questions 4 Then read the paper again and now answer the questions as fully and honestly as you hope your reader will for you Peer Review Questions 1 In what ways does the paper show how the perceptions of a space may differ over time 2 How does the paper show that the stories that are told about that space may differ because they serve the interests of various people who are connected with it 3 As a reader what do you think is the author s opinion of the differing histories List what you think is the author s opinion of each history 4 From what perspective is the author writing Does the paper reveal a bias towards one history If so explain 5 Are the author s conclusions about the histories supported by evidence descriptive or http www public asu edu hiroshi eng101 interpretive 6 What cultural need does this space fulfill Do the histories help explain this need Is the author s explanation supported by evidence 7 Does the author attempt to explain how the different histories view the space Does the author adequately probe different viewpoints 8 Does the author s reading of competing histories seem fair and accurate Are you convinced of the author s knowledge of the histories What could the author do to strengthen his her authority i e cite sources depth of research quantity of research etc 9 As a reader what did you enjoy about this paper Were there parts that peaked your interest that you wish the author would explore in more detail Which parts and why 10 Circle a favorite passage or sentence from this paper and mark it with a What makes this passage or sentence work for you Is it a certain technique tone method of description or some combination that makes it successful 11 Describe at what points the writing becomes less interesting or confusing you may wish to circle or mark these sections as well What changes or elaboration could be made to make the writing clearer Is there anything missing or unanswered for you as a reader 12 What is the overall organizational structure of this paper Does the structure help or hinder your understanding of the different histories Can you suggest a possible alternative structure 13 Try to write a one sentence summary of the main idea or topic in each paragraph Mark the paragraphs that may contain more than one main idea or argument with a P

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