TAMU ANSC 107 - Dairy industry
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ANSC 107 1nd Edition Lecture 6 Outline of previous lecture I II III IV Horse Breeds Poultry Breeds The consumers product Livestock production systems Outline of current lecture I II III Kosher Livestock production systems Dairy industry Current Lecture Marketing of Kosher Kosher meat Clean animals o Split hood and chew cut except camel rabbit or coney o Sea only those with fins and scales Passover Meat and dairy Ritualistic slaughter Halal Meat Objection to pigs o Filthy fatty prone to trichinosis Sheep and goat market o Animals die from blood loss Side effects of Ad lidmin diet These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Bloating rumen fills with gas o Acidosis bacteria breaks down carbs and becomes acidic Causes liver abuse Grade choice Tells us about eating quality o Same size uniformity Seedstock Specialized Cow Calf systems High quality genetics o For cow calf producer to buy Lighter birth weight preferable so the mother calf wont have dystocia Beef cattle and the economy Huge to economy o 66 billion added value to the US economy o Must keep diseases down Beef cattle issues and misconceptions Food safety Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BSE o Cattle Mad Cow disease o Humans Jacobs Crutch Creutzfeldt Jakob disease vCJD o Sheep Scrapie Prione proteins affect brain Hormonal implants growth promotions Feed additives Antibiotics Organic vs normal Grain vs grass fed Industry integration Imports Dairy Industry Dairy Top dairy breeds o Holstein Most highly specialized industry Leading states o California 40 6 billion lbs yr o Wisconsin 26 o Idaho 12 7 o New York 12 2 Cant sell untested raw milk o Specialization NE coast Typical Large dairy 1000 10 000 Cows Milk continuously Corporate farms Located in dry climates o Grass o Rainfall o Milk is perishable Large scale savings 1 most use of sex semen Typical Small U S Dairy 100 300 Cows o Not enough land for more cattle o England Tourism Milk quotas cant go over certain amount Texas Dairies National Average 20 575 lbs milk cow o 1 lb 8 gallons Environment o Rain rivers streams th 7 in dairy production 6th in diary cow numbers Smell problem Dry Dairy farm Sheds Milking Parlor rotary More efficient What improved Genetics AI Feeds Health Management DHIA Dairy Herd Improvement Assoc Production per cow 22 000 lbs per lactation o Marketing Got milk Yogurt Milk cow operations Decreased over past 10 year period Milk production Increased over past 10 year Rate per cow 13 increase Phase of pregnancy Calving Bred 1 2 5 Dry matter intake Body weigh regain o Decreases 6 10 Calf take more room in womb mother cant eat as much Cow Health Issues Mastitis inflammation of the udder caused by bacterial infection o Number one cause of economic loss Ketosis energy shortage due to metabolic problems not enough energy Milk fever low blood calcium causing muscle weakness at or near calving Calf scours caused by bacteria Pneumonia respiratory disease o Prevented by maintaining clean and sanitary conditions and insuring adequate colostrum s intake Sheep Ovis aries 1880 1940 Peak number in the US 45 mil o WWI and WWII Goats Capra Hircus 1920 1990 Angora and Spanish goats were predominant 1990 2000 Introduction of Boer Goats from South Africa Sheep and Goats Flocking necessary no fences utilize herder Edwards plateau Texas intermountain states o California Colorado Wyoming Idaho dry areas Feed costs are main expense in production o Sheep prefer forbes grass browse o Goats prefer brose forbes grass o Cattle prefer grass forbes browse Efficient use of land combines all species Income o Lamb and kid production are primary economic return Leading states o Texas o California o Wyoming Predators are growing problem coyote eagle bobcat fox Internal parasites o Haemonchus contortus Barber worm o Limit production in high rainfall areas o Select for parasite resistant animals World leaders in production CHINA 173 899 210

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TAMU ANSC 107 - Dairy industry

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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