ANSC 318 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Demand for Meat Will rise in the Future Composition of Feedstuffs and Animal Products Outline of Current Lecture II Compare how Nonruminants Ruminants and Hindgut Fermenters Digest Nutrients a Percentage Make ups of Each Digestive Tract III Importance of Water a Water Sources b Effects on Moisture Intake from Water in Forage and Temperature IV Carbohydrates a Definition and Purpose of Carbohydrates b Plant Carbohydrates c Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharides and Mixed Polysaccharides d Digestion in Ruminants V Starch Carbohydrate Digestion a Ways Starch is Digested Throughout Each Gastrointestinal System b Enzymes Utilized During Starch Digestion VI Fiber Carbohydrate Digestion a Enzymes Used During Fiber Digestion Current Lecture Comparative Nutrition Nonruminant vs hind gut fermenter vs ruminant animals Nutrient Pig Horse Cow Fiber CHO Limited fermentation in large intestine VFA Fermentative in large intestine VFA Fermentative in rumen VFA Starch CHO Enzymatic in small intestine glucose some fermentative in large intestine VFA Enzymatic in small intestine glucose some fermentative in large intestine VFA Fermentative in rumen VFA some enzymatic in small intestine glucose Protein Enzymatic in small intestine amino acids Enzymatic in small intestine amino acids Fermentative in rumen microbial protein These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute enzymatic in small intestine amino acids Lipid Enzymatic in small intestine long chain fatty acids Enzymatic in small intestine long chain fatty acids Fermentative in rumen some enzymatic in small intestine long chain fatty acids Nonruminant Gastrointestinal Tract GIT 29 stomach 1 3 know this 35 small intestine 7 cecum 29 large intestine Ruminant GIT 68 stomach 2 3 Rumen papillae on wall that vary in size largest part of stomach Reticulum epithelial lining forms polygonal cells gives honeycomb appearance Omasum longitudinal folds filled with ground digesta separate large particles not much in digestion Abomasum true stomach 20 small intestine 3 cecum 9 large intestine Hindgut Fermenter GIT 8 stomach 27 small intestine 18 cecum 47 large intestine Hindgut cecum large intestine does not use enzymatic digestion only fermentative Water quality in important Animals don t like taste drink less eat less decrease in performance essential nutrient to support metabolism and temperature regulation Sources of Water 1 Drinking Water 2 Water in feed mainly grazing animals when moisture in forage increases drinking water intake decreases 3 Metabolic water water of oxidation if temperature increases water intake increases to increase milk production increase water consumption Carbohydrates 2 3 of dry matter 50 85 tells nutritional content main storage of photosynthetic energy in plants organic molecule 1 2 1 ratio of C H O nutrient value is dependent upon the animals ability to cleave glycosidic bonds between sugar molecules Glycosidic bonds tell with carbohydrate cell type a molecule is they are digested differently Starch Carbohydrates alpha bonds Fiber Carbohydrates beta bonds Plant Carbohydrates Cell Contents organic acids sugars starches fructans Cell Wall lignin Pectins and glutans hemicellulose cellulose lignin is like bailing wire in plants the cell contents pectins and glutans are all nonstructural carbohydrates and are easily digested hemicellulose and cellulose are fiber structure carbohydrates and harder to digest Carbohydrate Monosaccharides Building Blocks Hexoses 6 Carbon sugars 1 Glucose 2 Fructose 3 Galactose 4 Mannose Pentases 5 Carbon sugars 1 Arabinose 2 Xylose Carbohydrate Disaccharides Alpha bonds 1 Sucrose Glucose Fructose 2 Lactose Galactose Glucose 3 Maltose Glucose Glucose w glucosidic linkage Beta bonds 4 Cellobiose Glucose Glucose w glucosidic linkage Carbohydrate Polysaccharides 1 Araban Arabinose sugar molecules 5 C s 2 Xylan xylose sugar molecules 5 C s 3 Starch glucose sugar molecules 4 C s 4 Glycogen glucose sugar molecules found in animal tissue 5 Fructans fructose sugar molecules 6 Cellulose glucose sugar molecules Starch and Cellulose are extremely similar starch has bonds all bonds go up or down and cellulose has bonds bonds alternate up down up down etc Starch Carbohydrate Digestion I Mouth Salivary amylase only in cattle II Stomach Starch Carbohydrate is ONLY digested in the stomach in cows III Small intestine only enzymatic digestion in all species pancreatic amylase maltase sucrase lactase IV Large intestine cecum fermentative digestion only limited fermentation of starch carbohydrate in all species too much starch in hindgut of a horse and acidosis occurs causing colic and founder nonruminants digest most starches in the small intestine with a small amount in the hindgut ruminants digest most through enzymatic digestion hindgut gets a small amount Fiber will NEVER be digested enzymatically in small intestine only in hindgut I Enzymatic digestion of starch carbohydrate in small intestine of nonruminants and hindgut fermenters Starch amylase dextrins Dextrins amylase maltose Maltose maltase 2 glucose Lactose lactase glucose galactose Sucrose sucrase glucose fructose II These enzymes also digest the starch carbohydrate in the small intestines that bypasses the stomach of ruminant animals very important in horse and pig cows have rumen Fiber Carbohydrate Digestion know this I Fiber carbohydrate can ONLY be digested by fermentation II A lot of fiber digestion occurs in the stomach of ruminants and the large intestine of hindgut fermenters broken down by anaerobic microbes Cellulose cellulase glucose Hemicellulose hemicellulase mixed sugars Glucose 2 acetate CO2 CH4 Heat Glucose 2 propionate H2O Glucose 1 butyrate CO2 CH4 acetate 2 C s propionate 3 C s and butyrate 4 C s are volatile fatty acids VFAs they are the end product of CHO fermentation because of small particle size they can be absorbed through passive diffusion III limited amount of fiber carbohydrate digestion also occurs in large intestine of nonruminant and ruminant animals Carbohydrate Digestion in Ruminants fiber and starch enter the rumen some fiber continues through undigested glucose is converted to VFAs and then absorbed through passive diffusion some starch goes undigested or bypasses starch enters the small intestine is converted to glucose and absorbed through passive diffusion
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