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Review questions 1 What are the primary gastrointestinal tract locations where protein fiber starch and fat are digested in pigs horses and cows pigs horses Cows Protein Fiber Starch Fat bonds a Amylose amylase b Cellulose cellulase c Protein pepsin d Lipids lipase 2 How does cellulose differ from amylose a Cellulose is a polysaccharide composed of glucose only and connected by b b Amylose is a starch CHO with alpha 1 4 bonds 3 Which enzyme will digest amylose Cellulose Protein Lipids 4 What are the names of two chemical procedures used to analyze crude protein a Proximate analysis system Kjeldahl method b Proximate analysis system leco nitrogen method 5 What are the central assumptions upon which crude protein crude fat crude fiber analysis is based a TDN to evaluate energy availability 6 How do we determine the nitrogen free extract of a feedstuff a FE DM basis 100 CP EE CF Ash 7 The van soet method of analysis fractionates plant material into two portions What are they a ADF b NDF 8 The basis for proximate analysis is the separation for a feed into six fractions a Which of these fractions contain lysine b Which of these fractions contain maltose c Which of these fractions contain waxes Crude fat d Which of these fractions contain cellulose Crude fiber i Water Crude fiber crude fat crude protein ash NEF 9 Near infrared reactance spectroscopy is a relatively new method of feedstuffs evolution List two advantages and two disadvantages compared to traditional chemical analysis of feeds a Advantages rapid high precision b Disadvantages dependent on calibration expensive machines 10 Describe three factors that will affect the nutrient concentration of a feedstuff 11 Describe three factors that will affect the digestibility of a feedstuff 12 What is meant by protein quality of a feed when fed to nonruminants a Protein quality depends on profile of EAA and bioavailability of EAA 13 If you were to compare the protein quality of cottonseed meal vs fish meal which would you expect to have a better protein quality for use in swine rations 14 Total digestible nutrients TDN is most similar most different to which of the a Geographical location b Management practices c Climate a Nutrient composition b Forage maturity c Level of feed intake a Fish meal following a Most similar to b Most different from 16 List the fat soluble vitamins a A D E K 17 What is metabolizable protein 15 What are the primary volatile fatty acids produced by ruminants a Acetate propionate butyrate a Protein available to host animal for absorption in the SI 18 Briefly describe bomb calorimetry and explain what it is used for a Measures heat produced upon complete oxidation of a feed to CO2 and H2O 19 Gaseous energy can account for of the gross energy losses during digestion of roughage feeds in ruminates a 4 to 12 20 Nonruminants possess the ability to digest amylose but not cellulose What is the difference in the chemical structures to account for this difference a Cellulose is sugar molecules linked by beta glycosidic bonds that are digested by fermentation only and only ruminant animals possess the ability to undergo extensive fermentation to allow these bonds to be broken for digestion 21 Which feed would you expect to have a large heat increment corn or hay a Hay a Methane a Alanine a Trypsin a Crude fat 22 What is the main component of gas energy losses in cattle 23 Which of the following is not considered an essential amino acid 24 Which of the following enzymes would be effective in breaking down protein 25 Of the following fractions which would you expect to find vitamin A D and E 26 Which of the following feeds has the highest biological value a Milk protein 27 Why would urea source of NPN be a valuable feed source for cattle but not pigs a Fermenting anaerobic microbes can utilize nonprotein containing nitrogen source such as urea Pigs do not have these microbes so they are not able to utilize urea 28 Protein efficiency ratio is used to estimate the protein quality of a diet Which of the following would not be required in order to determine protein efficiency ratio a Amino acid profile i PER is based on the growth rate of an animal per unit intake of protein as a measure of protein quality 29 Briefly describe the difference between crude fiber and acid detergent fiber a ADF consists of cellulose and lignin b Crude fiber consists of hemicellulose in addition to cellulose and lignin 30 Define the feed attributes that are used to determine protein quality for nonruminants a 31 Describe two factors that will decrease digestibility of feeds that are feed to ruminants a Processing of hay decrease b Cold temperature decrease 32 T F for non ruminate animals protein quality of microbial protein is better than tat of 33 T F diet digestibility will decrease as fiber CHO increases in all animals 34 T F diet digestibility will increase when animals are exposed to cold environmental corn grain protein a a True conditions a False compared to cow 35 What are they key differences between how starch carbohydrates is digested in pigs a Pigs have enzymatic digestion in the SI to convert starch to glucose and limited b Cows have fermentative digestion in the rumen and limited enzymatic digestion fermentation digestion in the LI in the small intestine 36 Briefly describe what whole animal calorimetry is used for a Heat generated by animal during metabolism measured by how much O2 is consumed and how much CO2 CH4 is produced 37 List the two sources of metabolizable protein in ruminant animals a RUP and microbial protein 38 What are the two features of ruminant animals that enable them have upcycling super power a 39 Describe a key limitation to the use of near infrared spectroscopy as a method to analyze the nutritional value of feedstuff a Lack of sensitivity for minor constitutes 40 How is heat increment of a feed measured a Measure heat production at 2 levels of metabolizable energy intake i HI change in production change in metabolizable energy 41 How is heat of combustion of a feed measured a GE DE FE 42 What is the key difference in how lipids are digested in horse s vs cows a Horse enzymatic digestion in SI and limited fermentation in the LI b Cow fermentation in the rumen and some enzymatic digestion in the SI 43 Why is it more difficult to quantify protein quality of feeds for use in ruminant diets than nonruminant diets a Rumen microbes transfer dietary CHO to VFA s requires nitrogen 44 Why does TDN overestimate the

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TAMU ANSC 318 - Review questions

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