QUESITON 1 Calving to weaning D critical period Weaning late gestation A noncritical period Breeding to weaning C noncritical period Late gestation B critical period QUESTION 2 Two year old heifers nursing calves 450 kg BW first 3 4 months postpartum with a milkingability of 5 kg milk d are grazing Grass Forage see attached NIRS analys a What is the NEm content of this grass forage on a DM and AF basis o NEm DM basis Mcal Kg 0 55 o NEm AF basis Mcal Kg b Determine the NEm requirements of this cow nutrient requirement table for breeding beef cattle a NEm day Mcal NEm requirements a Grass forage AF kg d NEm reuirements a Grass forage DM kg d a Daily intake DM basis c Calculate the kg of grass forage AF basis the cow must consume per day to meet irs d Calculate the kg of grass forage DM basis the cow must consume per day to meet its e Calculate the daily intake of grass forage DM basis for this cow as a of body weight
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