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HUM 3321 Spring 2015 Final Exam Study Guide Anthology Chon A Noriega El Hilo Latino Representation Identity and National Culture o Problems with color blindness Noriega argues that attempts by neoconservative thinkers and critics advocating a color blind society obscure the fundamental issues still posed by race in society thus reinforcing the racism they claim does not exist o Sleeping Giant myth the giant will awaken and lumber en masse to the nation s shopping malls and voting booths pushing 144 billion in disposable income and 13 million votes in one direction o Problems with pan American identity two distinct impulses in the Americas one in the pan American political visions of Bol var and Mart and the other in the divisive racial politics of the United States since the 1950s In the civil rights era Chicano nationalism formulated a U S version of the raceless or mestizo continent of Mart although the ends of such mestizaje varied widely from separatism to cultural pluralism to a reformist notion of assimilation in which mestizaje racialized the ideology of the melting pot But U S institutions responded to the demands of Blacks and Latinos through the framework of the ethnic paradigm even as reforms addressed and limited themselves to de jure or institutional racial discrimination Aimee Carillo Rowe Whose America The Politics of Rhetoric and Space in the Formation of U S Nationalism o White victimization is the process of being victimised or becoming a victim Research that studies the process rates incidence and prevalence of victimisation falls under the body of victimology o Political boundaries A physical boundary is a naturally occurring barrier between two areas Rivers mountain ranges oceans and deserts can all serve as physical boundaries Many times political boundaries between countries or states form along physical boundaries o Geographical boundaries A boundary formed on something unique in the geography o Benign racism is the view that all human beings are of equal worth and are to be treated as ends in themselves and never purely as means but notwithstanding this basic equality it is still appropriate to discriminate between human beings purely on the basis of the person s race Mark Fisher Precarious Dystopias The Hunger Games In Time and Never Let Me Go o Definition of dystopia and characteristics an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one o Capitalism an economic and political system in which a country s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit rather than by the state o Caste system is a class structure that is determined by birth Loosely it means that in some societies if your parents are poor you re going to be poor too Same goes for being rich if you re a glass half full person Karl Marx The Destructive Power of Money o What happens when money is introduced into social life o Definition of money is the visible deity the transformation of all human and natural qualities into their opposites the universal confusion and inversion of things it brings incompatibles into fraternity it is the universal whore the universal pander between men and nations Barbara J Risman Gender as a Social Structure Theory Wrestling with Activism o Sex either of the two main categories male and female into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions o Gender the state of being male or female typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones o Three levels of social structure1 recognize when we do gender out of habit vs doing it consciously 2 see the connections between all levels of society and thier effects on gender 3 all factors can be analyzed as social structure Angela McRobbie Feminism the Family and the New Mediated Maternalism o Maternalism is the theoretical viewpoint that incorporates a common idea of femininity and applies it as a support for women s involvement in society o Neoliberalism certainly a form of free market neoclassical economic theory but it quite difficult to pin down further than that especially since neoliberal governments and economists carefully avoid referring to themselves as neoliberals and the mainstream media seem to avoid using the word at all costs o Effects of class difference on motherhood Linda D Garnets Sexual Orientations in Perspective o Sexual orientation definition Sexual orientation is determined by multiple influences including a wide range of sociocultural factors The development of sexual orientation is arrived at through multiple pathways Four key issues in new conceptual paradigm a conceptualization of sexual orientations b development of sexual orientations d new perspectives on gender and sexual orientations and d convergences divergences and intersections of sexual orientation with other aspects of human diversity Differences between old and new paradigms of sexual orientation Old Assumed that individuals can be readily categorized as heterosexual or homosexual New Conceptualizes sexual orientations as flexible complex and multifaceted Sexual orientation reflects the diversity of sexual affectional and erotic attractions and love toward persons of the same gender other gender or both genders Old assumed that sexual behavior is the defining feature of a person s sexual orientation New Sexual orientations encompass not only sexual behavior but also erotic affectional behaviors and fantasies emotional attachments self identification and current relationship status Old Assumed that there is congruence among sexual identity behavior and desire New Sexual activity fantasy and identity are not always congruent Old Asserted that sexual orientation is an enduring disposition that forms at an early age and is then fixed and unchanging New Sexual development appears to be potentially fluid and changeable over time Its pattern varies across social contexts and cultures Identification as bisexual gay lesbian or heterosexual and actual behavior can vary over time Sara Ahmed Queer Feelings Sources of queer discomfort Inhabiting norms differently o Compulsory heterosexuality Shapes bodies by the assumption that a body must orient itself towards some objects and not others objects that are secured as ideal through the fantasy of difference Queer loss and significance Queer lives have to be recognized as lives in order to be grieved It is not that

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