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Multicultural Film Final Exam Study Guide Concepts ISA Ideological State Apparatus education media politicians peer religion family congress laws RSA Repressive State Apparatus police military prisons courts FBI CIA DEA bounty hunter Ideology a system of ideas ideals that form the basis of economic and political theory Hegemony ruling power Meritocracy Myth system based on merit you receive what you put in good attitude morals hard worker talent ironically the wealthiest people earn by owning stock not by working Imagined Community group of people who feel a kinship brotherhood with other people within the group despite being unable to know them all ex nationalism fellow fsu students Stereotypes a widely held and oversimplified idea of a group of people Arab Stereotypes aggressive violent terrorists overly religious mistreat women African American Stereotypes ignorant misbehaved ghetto Hays Production Code 1929 64 Film Noir first form of censorship in film to prevent government censorship ban on sexual films excluded passionate kissing sex adultery homosexuality interracial dating white slavery nudity etc Gender Theory gender roles are inscribed in you from birth b c of this you learn them not as choices but as right and wrong Gender Roles the social and behavioral norms that are considered appropriate for a man or woman Microaggressions subconscious racist stereotypical remark or action Microinsult unconscious racist remark or action Microassault overt racist remark or action Microinvalidation negate or exclude someone s cultural reality Racial Formation sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created inhabited transformed destroyed 3 types of racism Aversive have egalitarian views want to help those of other races Symbolic you deny racism but use terms such as hard working self reliant individualization Old fashioned blatant bigotry White Privilege the set of societal privileges that white people benefit from as opposed to people of color Orientalism a Western style for dominating restructuring and having authority over the Orient by the Occident a hegemonic system that consolidates and controls its objects ideas created by the West in which Asians are viewed with prejudice and racism The Other people who are out of the norm and ostracized according to who has power ex Orientals The Letter or Django Feminism collection of movements ideologies aimed at defining establishing and defending equal political economic cultural and social rights for women Gender social construct the cultural traits that define whether a person in a boy or girl as opposed to biological traits Sexuality social construct gender to which a person is attracted orientation Class social construct division of society according to status rank and grade of society Race social construct distinct physical features or ethnic backgrounds Multiculturalism social construct ideas created by society groups of different cultures in 1 location living with other cultures alters your own Language a way of communicating ex spoken words letters symbols tree Representation using language to say something meaningful about or to represent the world meaningfully to other people it s never the actuality but something else because someone chooses what to add leave out someone else s portrayal of reality Racelessness when you feel or act like you have no race because you are treated equally Lowbrow Comedy teen sex comedies with ideas against social norms ex masturbation nudity Male Gaze women are objectified in film because heterosexual men were in control of the camera Film Noir films post WW2 address issues at that time means black film because it was dark and serious men used this genre to put women back in their place after the had taken over leading roles while mean were at war Nationalism an imagined community Femme Fatale sexual and independent woman eventually becomes killed or imprisoned downgrades powerful women Bechdel Test film must have two women in it who talk to each other about something other than a man Chick Flicks Chick Culture melodrama women s picture Hegemonic Feminist the maintenance of practices that institutionalize women s dominance over men Waves of Feminism 1st right to vote 1919 2nd job political social equality cultural and legal equality 60 s and 70 s 3rd non white equality other parts of the world 80 s and 90 s Post feminism 90 s today return to feminism agenda replaced by attitude individual choice LGBTQ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Queer purpose is for political activism Homoeroticism sexual attraction between members of same sex without desire to consummate ex man crush Homosociality nonsexual attraction between members of same sex Homosexuality sexual attraction between members of same sex Heteronormative expectation in which heterosexuality is deemed the norm Transgender when you self identify as the opposite gender then you were born Blaxploitation 1970 s films made for a black audience by white people over the top ex Foxy Brown Bird s Components of Masculinity Emotional Detachment Competitiveness Sexual Objectification of Women Genres know characteristics as defined by Belton Western slavery tenderfoot mentor teaching man woman to be cowboy wilderness revenge v civilization law order but less honor east civilized v west rugged hero as an outsider who comes in to save but then leaves Indians assimilate or are enemy v cowboys woman learns to be both motherly and domestic independent Film Noir disillusionment with society disturbing and unsettling themes murder femme fatale urban v rural industrial v nature low key lighting extreme angles voice over tough guy loner protagonist detectives cheaply made not main features B films mystery background music non linear narrative flashbacks Science Fiction what it means to be human human v animal human v machine human v nonhuman the return of the repressed whatever taboo your society is repressing that is what comes up and kills you ex sex self and other threat of the other Comedy jokes function as a form of liberation from worries releases what society tries to hold in check ex discrimination African American Film counterculture strikes back Films Know main characters key points how they fit into their week Argo ideologies Bridesmaids comedy stereotypes The Letter film noir Django Unchained western Blade Runner sci fi horror Think Like a Man African Americans in film The Fast and the Furious race ethnicity Sex and the City gender women

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