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linking brain behavior golgi silver stain random single cells histology tissue analysis structure of cells organization of cells connections of cells staining imaging neurons nissl stains cell bodies nuclei myelin stains axon fiber tracts brain perturbatio n modify brain activity to observe behavioral changes non microscopic invasive optogenetic use light to activate insert light sensitive proteins lesions damage to neural tissue ablation removal of brain tissue darkly stains random 5 full neurons stains cell bodies of neurons by darkening material in nucleus darker purple stain in images stains fatty myelin sheath that forms insulation around axons darker stain axons fiber lighter stain cell bodies dendrites accidental or intentional biochemical neurotoxic physical useful for structural approach seeing shape structure of neuron useful for identifying populations of cell bodies useful for identifying neural pathways breaking down something to see how it works s recording graded potentials specific ion channels and relate to behavior measure coordinated activity of 1000 s of neurons to control behavior of cells non invasive neurophysiologic al stimulation recording measuring electrical activity 1 EEG changes as behavior does 2 An EEG recorded from the cortex displays patterns some are rhythmical Brain Waves neuronal oscillations sums electrical activity of neurons between two electrodes detects fast changing brain activity but is poor at localizing it detectors placed outside the knows where but not when because it is non invasive since Jell O brain are the same consistency EEG can pick up brain waves in Jell O which also means in brain dead people looks at function some localization higher resolution than ERP better EEG measures the summed graded potentials from 1000 s of neurons ERP complex EEG waveforms related in time to a specific sensory event MEG 3D localization of cell groups than EEG for knowing where since it is 3D skull record magnetic potentials permits a 3D localization of cell groups generating the measured field tiny microelectrod es are surgically implanted in the area of interest those electrodes can identify the occurrence of electrical signals within a single neuron without contaminatin g activity of adjacent cells x rays at different angles to make a 3D recording action potentials record action potentials of individual neurons invasive recordings single multi cell recording intra extracellular events from a single neuron amplify filter signals then digitizes stores static images noninvasive examination of brain structure static imaging techniques images structure uses multiple damage involves radioactive components brain imaging CT MRI DTI images nerve fiber pathways fMRI PET tracks changing activity tracks changing activity detects receptors etc image passes strong magnetic through brain then radio wave then measures movement emitted from hydrogen atoms detects the directional movements of water molecules to image nerve fiber pathways uses magnetic fields blood oxygenation level dependent BOLD response to visualize brain activity radioactive protein or glucose molecules are injected into blood stream high resolution static 3D image used to identify abnormalities in neural pathways detects increases in oxygen levels during neural activity image produced by emissions from injected substances that have been made dynamic images measure brain activity during specific behaviors dynamic imaging techniques in vivo chemistry relate fluctuations in transmitter release to behavior non microscopic invasive chemical genetic measures microdialysi neurotransmitters s in brain infusion drugs in brain scan detects changes in metabolism by measuring uptake of radioactive molecules measures the neurotransmit ters in the brain puts chemicals like drugs directly into brain radioactive to see how drugs affect behavior

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OSU PSYCH 3313 - Notes

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