Clinical and Counseling Spring Exam 2 Review Sheet Chapter 6 Assessment Assessment in clinical Psychology The process of systematically gathering information about a person in relation to his or her environment so that decisions can be made based on this information that are in the best interests of the individual Goals Classification Description Prediction Define each Step Step 1 Deciding what is being assessed Is there a significant psychological problem cid 132 What caused the problem cid 132 What is the course of the problem going to be if it goes untreated cid 132 Referral questions cid 132 Presenting concerns cid 132 Emotion mood depression or anxiety cid 132 Cognition intellectual cognitive schema perceptions of the self cid 132 Physiology heart rate cid 132 Environment family school work cid 132 Behavioral observe child in school environment parent report Step 2 Determining the goals of assessment cid 132 Diagnosis DSM 5 cid 132 Severity of the problem cid 132 Screening cid 132 Prediction cid 132 Evaluation of an intervention Step 3 Selecting standards for making decisions cid 132 Normative standards 1 Compared with others 2 IQ 3 Age cid 132 Self referent standards 1 Compared with one s own data at other points in time example use to be A student now getting C Step 4 Collecting assessment theory driven cid 132 Interviews Structured I II Unstructured cid 132 Psychological tests I II Intelligence tests Personality tests a Objective b Projective cid 132 Physiological Neurological assessment cid 132 Direct observation of behavior cid 132 Reliability I II III Internal consistency items are related Test retest repeat test at two time points Inter rater 2 different raters agree cid 132 Validity actually assessing what it is supposed to assess Types of Validity cid 132 Content do the items represent fully the content of area being assessed e g all 9 core sx of depression cid 132 Construct measures the structure and features of the hypothetical construct e g verbal and performance skills of intelligence cid 132 Concurrent correlated with another measure cid 132 Predictive IQ and subsequent grades cid 132 Clinicians are subject to errors in human information processing biases errors in judgment I Selective attention focusing on only one component cid 132 Experienced clinicians are more susceptible to Confirmatory bias cid 132 Availability heuristic Mental availability of previous cases can be affected by availability of memory recent intensity of involvement I II Women assess for depression Male assess for substance abuse cid 132 Meehl Clinical vs Statistical prediction Statistical prediction is better than clinical prediction Step 5 Processing data generating hypotheses making decisions Step 6 Screening To whom do you communicate cid 132 Writing a psychological report I State the referral question II Describe tests and procedures used III Report the data IV Interpret the data V Make recommendations Describe Types of Interviews Structured Follow script Structured Increases consistency Increases reliability Makes it more likely that the same interviewer will obtain the same information on two occasions Makes it more likely that two interviewers will obtain the same information in separate interviews Decreases flexibility comfort and rapport Unstructured What are Projective tests What is the following WAIS Not the answer Wexlur adult assetessment scale MMPI 2 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 MMPI 2 567 true false questions Normative sample of 2600 adults selected to be nationally representative Several clinical samples inpatient and outpatient Validity scales to detect patterns of unreliable or biased responding Clinical scales 10 scales that are compared to normative base rates of responding Examples I I read all of the editorials in the newspaper everyday II I feel nervous or upset about someone or something almost all the time III I like to go to parties and other affairs IV My sleep is restless and disturbed V I have very few disagreements with members of my family VI I have used too much alcohol RORSCHACH Rorschach Inkblot Test Series of 10 cards of ambiguous inkblots Respondent is asked to indicate what he sees After all responses are obtained the examiner asks the respondent to indicate where he 31 cards presenting pictures of varying level of ambiguity Respondent is instructed to tell a story about what is happening in the picture what has led up to the event in the picture what is happening now and what the outcome will be Objective tests self reports persons descriptions or accounts of their behavior attitudes emotions and perceptions of themselves Personality Tests saw what he saw TAT Thematic Apperception Test Physiological Neurological assessment Direct observation of behavior Describe how Rorschach is scored Scoring is based on the response Location Areas of inkblot used The basis for the response is usually the whole inkblot requires integration Or a detail either a commonly or an uncommonly selected one or the negative space around or within the inkblot Entire blot W Common Detail D Unusual detail Dd Use of white space S Determinants Form is it good Form quality Color Movement Shading Texture Organization Approach Content x I How accurately does the response conform to the inkblot form II III O IV u V Ordinary elaborated Ordinary Unusual Minus 1 Color responses often provide direct insight into emotional life Thematic Apperception Test TAT Respondent is instructed to tell a story about what is happening in the picture what has led up to the event in the picture what is happening now and what the outcome will be Clinical decision making Kahneman and Tversky demonstrated in experiments that normative mathematical models of probability and choice don t account for most intuitive human judgments and decisions Define Confirmatory Bias refers to a type of selective thinking whereby one tends to notice and to look for what confirms one s beliefs and to ignore not look for or undervalue the relevance of what contradicts one s beliefs Availability heuristic Mental availability of previous cases can be affected by availability of memory recent intensity of involvement Illusory correlation refers to thinking that one has observed an association between events that either Meehl Clinical vs Statistical prediction Statistical prediction is better than clinical Review the findings of Meehl s study prediction Chapter 7 Clinical Interviewing Define Broad Skills I
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