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CLP3305 Chapter 1 Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology 1 What types of activities do clinical psychologists engage in 1 Therapy psychotherapy Intervention diagnosis assessment teaching clinical supervision research writing consultation administration 1 Eclectic cognitive psychodynamic behavioral theoretical orientations 1 Switch from psychodynamic to cognitive 2 How do clinical and counseling psychology differ In what ways are they similar 1 They are different because clinical psychology includes more research Counseling psychologists work with normal people with normal problems Counseling Psychology has a dissertation required though lower research expectations Counseling sometimes has more course work and practicum experience required Counseling is much smaller than clinical fewer training programs and graduates Counseling works in schools dept of education hospitals community health clinics clinical works in private practice 2 Similarities in what they do and they both call themselves therapists or psychologists Both take 4 6 years both require dissertation thesis Chapter 3 Current Issues in Clinical Psychology 1 What is the principal guideline for training clinical psychologists What does it entail a The principal guideline for training clinical psychologists is the scientist practitioner model The goal is to marry science and clinical practice Have a good basis in both b Trained in university departments trained as psychologists first clinicians second Required clinical internship Must be competent in diagnosis psychotherapy research 2 What are the major critiques of the scientist practitioner model a Deemphasizes research experience and favors more direct and extensive 3 In what ways do Psy D and Ph D clinical psychology programs differ training in clinical skills STUDY NORCROSS TABLE a Psy D has more emphasis on clinical work less emphasis on research a masters thesis not required and qualitatively different from Ph D b Psy D Psychodynamic orientation more accepted students easier to get in less applicants worse tuition shorter time 5 years c Ph D Cognitive Behavioral orientation less accepted students but more applicants good financial aid tuition more time 6 years more students entering APA internships 4 What are the limitations of clinical doctorate programs in professional schools a It is freestanding depends on tuition offer psy d little or no research training admit many students part time faculty most programs are not accredited 5 How will the increasing cost of health care and managed care affect the practice of clinical psychology What advantages might clinical psychologists have in a managed care environment TEXTBOOK only briefly discussed in class a Managed care high costs for health care in general and mental health care Managed health care now dominates and it heavily affects the paycheck s of private practice psychologists Will have to expand their roles due to a decline in earnings Ph D Clinicians will be replaced by Master s Level Mental Health Professionals they are more cheaper to use for the same services Economic control is in hands of employers not the practitioners so employers try to use marketplace strategies Clinicians spend more time on paperwork and getting reimbursed than on direct care Receiving less money for services Clients seen for fewer session use self help telehealth b Advantages Clinical psychologists are likely to be the primary providers of psychological treatment that is based in psychological science Prescription privileges will make them the complete package 1 Open doors for clinical psychologists who have experience in clinical research 6 Understand the ethical standards discussed What is competence and why is it important What happened in the Tarasoff case and what are the implications on psychotherapy What does it mean to have dual relationships and why are such relationships ethically inappropriate a Competence is when psychologists work within the boundaries of their competence psychologist are to do only what you should be trained to do b Tarasoff Case Man Potter at university likes Tatiana Tarasofff They kissed He thought they were dating she says no he freaks out Starts seeking therapy at the counseling center He tells the therapist therapist tells the Campus Police Campus Police detains him but then lets him go because Tarasoff was away at Brazil Potter in meanwhile becomes friends with Tarasoff s brother Tatiana comes back and Potter stabs her to death Parents sued the counselor cops and the school c Psychologists have the Duty to Warn Duty to protect Counselor s duty to do something about if client says he will harm himself or others Confidentiality agreement is Null d Dual relationship is a relationship between client and therapist that is OTHER than at a professional level being friends or lovers e Ethical standards unfair discrimination sexual harassment dual relationships Chapter 4 Research Methods 1 What constitutes a scientific attitude Why are skepticism humility important a Our understanding of human behavior mental illness and treatment is based on rigorous scientific study b Healthy Skepticism Demand evidence question everything take everything at face value Not trusting simple explanations Humility knowing when you should give up open to admitting your wrong and open to knowing there is another explanation besides the one you thought of 2 What are the advantages and limitations of a case study 1 Advantages a Provide descriptions of phenomena b Provide disconfirming information 1 Disprove always or never c Generate testable hypotheses 2 Disadvantages What they cannot do a Develop general principles b Lead to cause effect conclusions c Demonstrate correlation 3 Why are correlational methods used What are the limitations of correlational methods 1 Determine the degree to which variable X is related to variable Y Cost effective see if a relationship even exists 2 Cannot determine directionality or causality a Correlation does not equal Causation b If not correlated it can not at all be causally related R is the degree of a relationship between two variables Can be 1 00 to 1 00 Further away from 0 the stronger the relationship 4 What is a third variable What type of method eliminates the third variable problem How 1 Third variable is a variable that was not a part of the experiment that may affect the outcome of the experiment 2 Random assignment eliminates the third variable Eliminates systematic

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FSU CLP 3305 - Chapter 1: Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology

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