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Exam 2 Study Guide Know the names of the sub divisions of the phylum Proteobacteria alpha beta etc Alphaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Epsilonproteobacteria Know the infectious agent that causes stomach ulcers Epsilon subdivision Helicobacter pylori Know what diseases can be caused by species of Chlamydia Causes the STD chlamydia and conjunctivitis eye infection Know the name of the form of Chlamydia that briefly live outside host cells and can be transferred from host to host elementary body Know the name of the bacteria that we discussed that completely lacks cell walls Mollicutes Know the bacteria that produces botulinum toxin Clostridium botulinum Know the bacteria that produces tetanus toxin Clostridium tetani Know the names of the bacterial genera that are enteric bacteria Enterobacteriales Peritrichous flagella facultatively anaerobic can grow with or without oxygen grow better in O2 Enterobacter Erwinia Escherichia most common usually not pathogenic model system Klebsiella Proteus Salmonella pathogenic common in animal many serovar Typhoid fever S typhi Often a food borne pathogen poultry Seratia the pink stuff that can grow in a poorly tended shower can cause illness if immunocompromised Shigella Often a food borne pathogen Yersinia Y pestis causes bubonic plague Black death transmitted by fleas on rats Killed 30 60 of Europe s population in 14th century Know what the MMRV vaccine protects against Protects against M Measles M Mumps and R Rubella with the addition of chicken pox aka varicella vaccine which stands for the V necrotizing fasciitis Know the name of the bacterium that causes Streptococcus pyogenes Know which human tissues the Plasmodium malaria organism passes through in its life cycle mainly passes through bloodstream to the liver merozoites are produced in liver cell and released into bloodstream from liver infects red blood cells and grows divides producing merozoites red blood cell ruptures and merozoites are released which can develop into male or female gametocytes Know which viral disease that we discussed has been eradicated by vaccination programs Smallpox no cases since the 1970 s Know the differences between a cutaneous subcutaneous or systemic fungal infection Cutaneous affect hair skin and nails Subcutaneous beneath the skin Systemic deep within body Know what an opportunistic infection is Opportunistic infection caused by normal microbiota or environmental fungi attack primarily immunocompromised hosts AIDS patients particularly vulnerable Most fungi we discussed affect immunocompromised hosts There are a few that affect normal healthy hosts know these if not opportunistic usually can affect healthy hosts Cryptococcus neoformans Blastomyces Histoplasma Microsporum Trichophyton Epidermophyton Sporothrix schenckii Stachybotrys Candida albicans Malassezia Encephalitozoon intestinalis carrageenan are harvested from Red algae Know what type of eukaryotic algae the gelling agents agar and Know what type of eukaryotic organism caused the Irish potato famine Oomycetes Phytophthera secondary endosymbiotic algae Know within what phylum tapeworms are classified Phylum Platyhelminthes flatworms flukes are also in this phylum Know within what phylum roundworms are classified Phylum Nematoda roundworms endosymbionts are Know what type of organisms Wolbachia Alphaproteobacteria class live in insects and other animals usually filarial worms Of the viruses we discussed which ones have no vaccine yet available For which ones is there a very great need for a vaccine Hepatitis C virus HCV most common chronic blood borne infection in the U S Know the genus and species of fungus that is most commonly used in production of beer bread and wine Saccharomyces cerevisiae Know what types of material viral genomes can be composed of Can be DNA or RNA not both Single stranded or double stranded may be linear circular segmented may be sense mRNA or sense antisense to mRNA or both surrounded by a capsid protein coat all viruses protects genome attachment and entry into new cells some are enclosed by an envelope lipid bilayer membrane some have protein spikes used for attachment often can be involved in attachment and entry into cells Know what the viral eclipse period is No viruses are produced yet because all the added virions have been taken up by cells and progeny virus is being produced Approximately what of cervical cancers test positive for Human papillomavirus 89 cervical cancers are associated with HPV Know the difference between a latent viral infection and a persistent viral infection Latent viral infection virus remains in asymptomatic host cell for long periods Persistent viral infection disease processes occurs over a long period often fatal Know how a virus is defined What things does a virus always possess All viruses have genomes that are surrounded by a capsid obligatory intracellular parasites all have some type of nucleic acid as genetic material can be enveloped or non enveloped refer back to what genomes are composed of Know the type of virus we discussed that forms a latent infection Causative Virus Disease Cold sores Herpes simplex 1 and 2 Leukemia HTLV 1 and 2 Shingles Varicellovirus herpesvirus Know what type of genome a retrovirus has and how it interacts with the host genome What is the most important disease causing retrovirus we discussed HIV causes AIDS For the disease causing bacteria listed in bold know whether it is Gram positive or Gram negative and how it is transmitted arthropod sexual contact or more casual contact GRAM NEGATIVE Bartonella cat scratch disease Brucella brucellosis Ehrlichia tickborne Rickettsia carried by arthropods R prowazekii carried by body lice R typhi carried by fleas R Rickettsii carried by ticks Burkholderia hospital acquired nosocomial Pseudomonas aeruginosa opportunistic Legionella pneumophilia found in streams water pipes cooling towers Coxiella transmitted by aerosols or milk Vibrio cholerae found in coastal water Vibrionales parahaemolyticus found in coastal water Haemophilus influenza require from blood and NAD factors Chlamydiae can be spread by intimate contact Treponema pallidum sexually transmitted Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted by deer tick Leptospira transmitted in urine from infected animals GRAM POSITIVE Bacillus cereus food borne pathogen Staphylococcus aureus most common cause of food poisoning Listeria monocytogenes food borne often dairy Enterococcus

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