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SPC Midterm Communication is the rational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a response False Most scholars reserve the term theory for an integrated of concepts A group B system C collection D None of the above Ch 2 What makes a system different than a group or collection It s that the ideas are deeply connected to each other Social scientists use the objective approach assumes that truth is accessible through unbiased sensory it explains and predicts human behavior not dependent truth is objective This involves Determinism behavior is caused by heredity and environment Also involves Objectivity Effectiveness observed evidence free from bias personal values are set aside for the trust Objective approach clarifies ignores insignificant information predicts future events relative simplicity parsimony not very cumbersome Testability should be able to test its validity offers practical advice The interpretive approach assigns meaning to communicate multiple meanings or truths are possible Not black and white social reality is always in flux truth is subjective This involves Free Will human acts are voluntary Also involves Emancipation Participation liberation empowerment Interpretive approach examines communication from communities not communication patterns common to all people clarification of values should sound good and encouraging should have support from other scholars impact reform society Epistemology the study of origin and limits of knowledge how we know what we know Which of the following would most likely be said by a determinist A She gave a good speech because she sought such good training B She gave a good speech because she found a sympathetic audience C She gave a good speech because she is genetically predisposed to be a good communicator D She gave a good speech because she chose a good topic and clear examples A hardline determinist doesn t leave much or any room for individual choice instead external factors determine our communication behavior A scientist seeks to gather information about the world chiefly through A Language and thought B Logic reason and philosophy C Values ethics and tradition D Sight sound taste touch and smell If a phenomenon cannot be detected using the five senses it is beyond the ability of the scientific method to explain it Fill in the blank Objective approaches attempt to find that explain human behavior in a variety of situations A interpretive guides B universal laws C informed hunches D emancipatory statements Objective scholars often use quantitative statistical approaches to discover such laws According to Griffin Ledbetter and Sparks the behavioral scientist usually describes human conduct as occurring because Humans have free will B Humans have conscious intent C Humans are random D Humans react to forces that are often outside the individual s awareness CH 3 All theories have scopes the breadth of communication behaviors how broad or narrow are they A good theory produces heurism the amount of research or new thinking that the theory generates A good theory also can stand the test of time the theory generates research over time When comparing scientific and interpretive theories the counterpart to a scientific theory s simplicity is interpretive theory s A aesthetic appeal B understanding of people C practical utility D reforming society A good scientific theory is one that does not explain the past but predicts the future False The statement is a standard for a good objective theory A A good theory should explain some type of behavior B A good theory should be relatively simple C A good theory should be useful D A good theory creates a community of agreement The statement is a standard for a good objective theory A A good theory has an aesthetic appeal B A good theory has a practical application C A good theory reforms society D A good theory creates a community of agreement The states that researchers should grant others that occur in their construction the same autonomy they practice constructing them Krippendorff urges theorists to include themselves as a constituent of their own construction in the A ethical imperative B self referential imperative C comparison of differences D inclusive imperative A inclusive imperative B self referential imperative C exclusive imperative D All of the above are correct A good objective theory A proves a definitive cause effect relationship between two events or ideas B explains an event or human behavior C cannot predict the future D All the above are correct Which of the following is most likely to bother a critical theorist A Mathematical error B Biased results C Injustice D Lack of aesthetic appeal Although critical scholars might also be concerned with aesthetic appeal what makes them critical is their concern about unjust practices CH 4 7 traditions in the field of communication theory these theories get more interpretive as they go 4 The Semiotic Tradition 3 The Rhetorical Tradition 2 The Cybernetic Tradition 1 The Socio Psychological Tradition communication as a system of information processing communication as artful public address speech distinguishes communication as interpersonal interaction and influence main focus on relationships and persuasion believe there are absolute truths take the objective approach look for cause effect relationships believe there are absolute truths Carl Howland Who says what to whom with what effect effects wear off over time forget source cybernetics the way feedback makes information processing possible sees relationships as a system connected by communication seek to fix communication information is the reduction of uncertainty humans from animals oratorical training should be the cornerstone of a leader s education language should have the ability to move emotion and stir to action oratory as persuasion is a male territory signs semiotics the study of signs most commonly studied sign is words as symbols words are arbitrarily symbols that have no inherent meaning metaphors words as the chameleons of communication contexts signs mediate meaning symbols are used to avoid misunderstanding communication as the creation and enactment of social reality as people talk they produce and reproduce culture the structure of a culture s language shapes what people think and do tradition of scholars concerned with injustice Karl Marx was one they challenge 3 features of contemporary society the control of language to perpetuate power

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